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Facebook or NukeWorker?

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The Legion of Decency and I have voted Facebook as the " 2011 Tool of the Devil "  :old:

Maybe Zuckerberg is going long on oil futures? Imagine if Saudi goes up in flames...


--- Quote from: DDMurray on Feb 22, 2011, 09:14 ---Couldn't agree more.  Finding out your sweet little niece scored a perfect 10 on the Kama Sutra quiz is just plain icky!

--- End quote ---

I have tried to remind them that the posts are public and permanent but when you are 13 to 24 you "know it all" so the struggle continues.  :old:

Dave Warren:
Well, I must say that Facebook is so much more user-friendly.
You can take a phone pic, upload it and all your friends can see it within 60 seconds.
You can put out an invitation to a party and have people look at the guest list, decide if they are going, etc all in one click.
Its gonna be hard to beat Facebook brother.


--- Quote from: Dave Warren on Feb 23, 2011, 09:49 ---Its gonna be hard to beat Facebook brother.

--- End quote ---

Not trying to.


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