The newest "NRC report 10 CFR Part 26 Subpart 1 - Managing fatigue" has some interesting stuff in it. I just received it from a friend. It is the new "summary of waiver issuance". I can't upload the file, it may be on the NRCs website (8/3/07). Anyway, for HPs during an outage it has the new "must have 3 days off in 15 day period" rule to be waivered. How this will affect us I'm not entirely sure. Some plants will probably just issue waivers whenever and other plants may make you work a 60 one week then a 72 the next week, I don't know. Plus I don't think it goes into effect just yet, maybe next year? Just a heads up for people concerned about losing 12 hours of $$$$ every 2 weeks. I bet some people will like this rule though. I have mixed feelings. I'd rather get 72hours but nice to have 2 days in a row off, If I can get it!!