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Author Topic: Deciding which job  (Read 5191 times)

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Deciding which job
« on: Apr 06, 2011, 04:19 »
Right now I am currently ATF IT. I am taking the NAPT tomorrow morning and decided to browse and see what I need to learn which this site has been very helpful in doing. I can't really decide if I should keep my current rate or reclassify after the test. I really enjoy working with computers but I think both jobs would take the same amount of effort. The only difference is the pay and location. As of now my A school will be in Florida and I will move on to a C school which I don't know the location of. I was wanting to see if you would be able to point out some of the perks of being a nuke besides pay while in the Navy and being able to find a job afterwards. Any input is appreciated.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Deciding which job
« Reply #1 on: Apr 06, 2011, 08:34 »
Right now I am currently ATF IT. I am taking the NAPT tomorrow morning and decided to browse and see what I need to learn which this site has been very helpful in doing. I can't really decide if I should keep my current rate or reclassify after the test. I really enjoy working with computers but I think both jobs would take the same amount of effort. The only difference is the pay and location. As of now my A school will be in Florida and I will move on to a C school which I don't know the location of. I was wanting to see if you would be able to point out some of the perks of being a nuke besides pay while in the Navy and being able to find a job afterwards. Any input is appreciated.

What's cool about computers is that they can be used to "search" for items already posted.

p.s. if you can define what perk you seek (isn't better pay and ease of finding a job post-EAOS already a perk?) then we can help steer ya in that direction.


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