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Author Topic: Help, looking for a job closer to home!  (Read 5927 times)

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Help, looking for a job closer to home!
« on: Mar 11, 2011, 12:48 »
Any leads on a job close to or in Michigan for an "Old RCT"?  I am currently working at Hanford doing field remediation and would like to find something closer to my home in Northern Michigan.  I would prefer a long term assignment (one or two years).  I have 12 years of Commercial Power Plant experience as Chemistry/Health Physics Tech , 9 years of decommissioning experience at Big Rock Point in Site Characterization as a Tech Lead and 2 years as a contractor (RCT) for DOE at INL, Hanford and the Portmouth, Ohio Gaseous Diffusion Plant.  I am not really interested in doing refueling outages.  Any help would be greatly appreciated by me and my family back in Michigan!       


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Re: Help, looking for a job closer to home!
« Reply #1 on: Mar 13, 2011, 01:18 »
Good luck. those three plants arent hiring very much, at least not in the 6 months I was job searching. And Im speaking for all positions they had posted, not just operations. they had a few managerial type spots open (AoM's, that kinda thing), but not much on lower positions.

Keep in mind the economy is crap up there. The only position palisades has open is an entry level engineering spot.

Sun Dog

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Re: Help, looking for a job closer to home!
« Reply #2 on: Mar 13, 2011, 07:49 »
Any leads on a job close to or in Michigan for an "Old RCT"?  I am currently working at Hanford doing field remediation and would like to find something closer to my home in Northern Michigan.  I would prefer a long term assignment (one or two years).  I have 12 years of Commercial Power Plant experience as Chemistry/Health Physics Tech , 9 years of decommissioning experience at Big Rock Point in Site Characterization as a Tech Lead and 2 years as a contractor (RCT) for DOE at INL, Hanford and the Portmouth, Ohio Gaseous Diffusion Plant.  I am not really interested in doing refueling outages.  Any help would be greatly appreciated by me and my family back in Michigan!      

I did not realize it took 9 years to take down BRP.  Is that a typo?

You may want to try getting in at Zion.  Long-term work - slow pace so the transition from DOE would be easy - closer to Michigan.
« Last Edit: Mar 13, 2011, 09:15 by Sun Dog »


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Re: Help, looking for a job closer to home!
« Reply #3 on: Apr 06, 2011, 12:32 »
Yes - heard Zion is looking for decom type folks; look for EnergySolutions website or someone there for more info...


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