Ha ha, don't listen to vikingfan - it's not that bad. I don't know how it was back in the day - but us KFC kids are definitely not hated, except maybe by a few individuals who are just going to hate on *anyone* new. $11 / hr? That's only while you're in school - which they pay for. You get paid 40 hours a week just to go to school. And get an AAS degree. Then when you graduate, you're moved to RST pay which is $15 / hr, with a $1.50 / hr increase each year for your three year contract. Now, it's true that that is a low amount for an RST to get paid, but for someone (like me) who got laid off from an entire industry and needed to find a new career asap, that is a pretty awesome deal. I graduated in 2010 as an RST, and have already been trained as a camera tech AND a vessel tech. More quals = more jobs. This season started for me in the first week of February and won't end until the first week of may, with only one week off in between jobs, so my season is pretty full.
At any rate, if you can last through two years of school and three years of a work contract, this is a smart move. It's a fun job, and you just may get to see some interesting places (Taipei, Japan, Sweden, etc.)
There's my two cents.