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Author Topic: VIP Trip  (Read 8225 times)

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VIP Trip
« on: Feb 10, 2007, 05:08 »
I'm been getting mixed information about this trip. Is the interviews that take place the actual interview for entrance into the NUPOC program is it just a mock interview to prepare me for the real interview. Besides the interviews & the tour is there anyelse that takes place during the trip.


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Re: VIP Trip
« Reply #1 on: Feb 12, 2007, 02:22 »
There is a lot that happens on this VIP trip. We toured a sub and a frigate and talked to sailors on both. We got to talk to part of the crew of a nuclear sub including the commanding officer. We also did mock interviews with the recruiting officers. It is not the main interview. You are not under any obligation to join the NUPOC program if you go on the VIP trip.  It basically is just a fun time where you get a lot of information about what you would be joining.

I would try to think of questions that you might want to ask before you go but other then that relax and do not worry about it. Where are you going to go to? I went to King's Bay so your tour may be different.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: VIP Trip
« Reply #2 on: Feb 12, 2007, 01:12 »

I would try to think of questions that you might want to ask before you go but other then that relax and do not worry about it. Where are you going to go to? I went to King's Bay so your tour may be different.

Do try to maximize the value of your questions and their time, focus the questions to things of high value to you. The *how much sleep will I get underway* type stuff, is already questioned here. The officers and recruiters will see your value and knowledge in the quality of the things you can be win-win for you here!



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