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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #25 on: Jul 06, 2011, 04:38 »
You have the opportunity, pretty much like any other enlisted person in the navy, to be a member of the USN Shooting Team.  It is likely a combination of your qual status, if the boat is in/out, and some luck.

However, if you are interested, look up the following:

I was a member of the USNR shooting team from 2003 - 2005, and had a blast.  I was on the 2003 USNR team at the Interservice Pistol Championship, and had a blast.
I forgot about this one, but we actually had a Direct Input LDO who was on this team during his TA tour and he got to skip underways (like he did in his slack-mariner days) to go to those competitions. I clicked that link and found him in about 4 seconds. I guess it is possible for a nuke to do it. He waited until he was qualified and fairly boat senior to do it though. 'MM3 Rover qualified' who wants to go qualify rifle team might not be so lucky......

Offline Gamma Glue

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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #26 on: Jul 07, 2011, 09:00 »
There is a pretty popular gun shop / shooting range near the Charleston Prototype. I even got my shooting ribbons there as a student. They have everything you little heart desires, including fully automatic weapons. Although they cost a lot to rent. As far as during your actual time at sea, not a lot of opportunity. However, I have heard of a couple guys on the ship (Carrier) got there gun quals. Mostly they had to get permission and have everyone buy off on it, but they did get qualified on the M60 and .50 Cal. Mostly it depends on who is in charge and if they feel letting you or not. I wouldn't count on it though.

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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #27 on: Jul 07, 2011, 09:36 »
It's actually fairly cheap to rent ATP weapons; the catch is that you have to use their drastically overpriced ammunition.

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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #28 on: Jul 08, 2011, 09:09 »
It's actually fairly cheap to rent ATP weapons; the catch is that you have to use their drastically overpriced ammunition.
Eastcoast Guns (Formerly Eastcoast Power Sports. Yes they used to sell Motorcycles and Guns. Ain't the South great?) Also sells cheap ammo, compared to ATP. I heard the guy who started the gun shop at East Coast was a former ATP employee who took all the price sheets with him to make sure they were cheaper. Might be a rumor, but could also be true, I never compared the two.
« Last Edit: Jul 08, 2011, 09:09 by Gamma Glue »

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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #29 on: Jul 08, 2011, 02:57 »
Eastcoast Guns (Formerly Eastcoast Power Sports. Yes they used to sell Motorcycles and Guns. Ain't the South great?)...

Ooooooooh... I want one of those shops...

Thanks for the information from all of you :)  --  I have every intention of doing what it takes to shoot while I'm in.  Great website source as well - thanks for that.

It sounds as though you can join the marksmanship team if you have enough motivation to get past soft no's. 
Does that sound about right?  (Also sounds like something you do only after you're qual'd and useful when in the fleet)


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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #30 on: Jul 08, 2011, 03:22 »
It sounds as though you can join the marksmanship team if you have enough motivation to get past soft no's. 
Does that sound about right?  (Also sounds like something you do only after you're qual'd and useful when in the fleet)
Don't you have a real qual to be working on, shipmate?  8)



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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #31 on: Jul 08, 2011, 05:05 »
The day we were supposed to qualify Fire Arms at Bootcamp the only gun was broken so they made us run about 2 miles and said we were qualified Fire Arms.

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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #32 on: Jul 08, 2011, 05:16 »
The day we were supposed to qualify Fire Arms at Bootcamp the only gun was broken so they made us run about 2 miles and said we were qualified Fire Arms.

Sounds like an Integrity violation! You're dink !!   ;)

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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #33 on: Jul 08, 2011, 05:32 »
Don't you have a real qual to be working on, shipmate?  8)


Hes not even in the navy yet :p

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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #34 on: Jul 08, 2011, 05:53 »
Ooooooooh... I want one of those shops...

Thanks for the information from all of you :)  --  I have every intention of doing what it takes to shoot while I'm in.  Great website source as well - thanks for that.

It sounds as though you can join the marksmanship team if you have enough motivation to get past soft no's. 
Does that sound about right?  (Also sounds like something you do only after you're qual'd and useful when in the fleet)
I know of two nukes who were on the marksmanship team (not at the same time).  Both were on shore duty.  One worked in my division and some people did not take kindly for having to teach for him so he could shoot.  Others supported it.  Don't know of many guys who didn't already have an affinity for guns that had the time, skill, or desire to reach the level of marksmanship required to be competitive.  If it's something you enjoy and you can do it along with everything else that occupies your time, then go for it......after you get qualified!
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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #35 on: Sep 11, 2011, 01:41 »
I've known several Nukes that were active with the Navy Shooting team, EMCM Angelliccio (sp?) in Norfolk was on the team and was distinguished rifle and maybe pistol.  I have competed in the East Coast and the All Navy competitions at Dam Neck VA.  I also reload. 
As a part of your everyday job, no you wont shoot. But you will have extra funds available to finance your hobby.

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Re: Silly Question: Shooting
« Reply #36 on: Sep 12, 2011, 06:43 »
The record for the highest pistol score at Camp Perry National Championshsips was held (maybe still held) by a Navy 1st class. Score was 2668 out of 2700.


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