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Author Topic: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather  (Read 13445 times)

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Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« on: Apr 27, 2011, 09:30 »
Eh, Didn't really know which sub forum to put it under but either way I didn't see anyone else post anything about it. Good to know everything seems to have worked as designed so far.


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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #1 on: Apr 27, 2011, 09:41 »
Eh, Didn't really know which sub forum to put it under but either way I didn't see anyone else post anything about it. Good to know everything seems to have worked as designed so far.

Its funny how things work when you dont go past design basis earthquakes couple with a massive tsunami  ;)

This is really a non-issue, and only printed on because of the stuff in japan. BUT good press is good press, I'll eat it.


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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #2 on: Apr 27, 2011, 09:47 »
Yeah I just enjoyed the fact it was good press myself. Will be interesting from what I hear D&Z just lost their contract there and Williams Plant Services is going to be the main contractor. Same with FPL sites... just what I've heard from a few little birdies who knows what is true. ???


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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #3 on: Apr 27, 2011, 10:46 »
Congratulations on branching out from FFD/Badging SME to rumormonger.

lol! I know I try to stay put in my area usually cause I don't know much  :D

Offline Bleyse

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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #4 on: Apr 28, 2011, 12:24 »
OMG OMG OMG Stop the press!!!  You mean to tell me that we here in a America just had one plant enter safe shutdown after a Tornado and now we have three (!) units trip and go into safe shutdown state after severe weather and there's not any release of fission products!!!  How can that be!?!?!   :->

Pardon me for my facetious post.  I guess I'm just irritated that the very first response in the article referenced had to quote the byline stating that it's the same design plant as Fukishima....  blah blah blah.  Next thing we'll hear is that the ~20 dead due to the 'storm' had something to do with Browns Ferry.   ::)


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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #5 on: Apr 28, 2011, 12:46 »
lol doesn't bother me no worries. I personally agree that it could have been written better but per the usual most people who are writing these articles don't know much about it. Either way I'm glad they just had something semi-positive in the news for them is all.  ;)


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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #6 on: Apr 29, 2011, 06:50 »
It's bad down there. Entire infrastructure in many places is ripped to shreds and some possibly lost children. Keep that in mind when you make comments here please.


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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #7 on: Apr 29, 2011, 10:23 »
It's bad down there. Entire infrastructure in many places is ripped to shreds and some possibly lost children. Keep that in mind when you make comments here please.

Certainly is bad. I live in Alabama and I was in Tuscaloosa today delivering water/food/clothes that were donated. Many places I used to love to eat at when I was a college student (I went to Auburn but many friends in TTown and went all the time) were completely gone and demolished. I have a friend who died and also a guy that I deal with in Access quite a bit, his neighbor was opening the door to try and get her dog inside when the tornado came in the Birmingham area and the wind was so strong it blew her back and slammed her face and head into the mantle of their fireplace. Horrible stuff. Life does go on and hopefully they will be able to try and move on as quickly as possible from this.

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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #8 on: Apr 29, 2011, 10:43 »
Keep in mind, (depending on the source, these were the worst storms in 40 - 50 years).  They affected the whole SE.  NE TN/SW VA got hit very bad - they were still clearing out sections adjacient to I-81 this afternoon.

There are many folks without a roof over their head and many who have lost loved ones.

Please join with me tonight in a prayer for all of those who were in any way affected by the raging storms, particularly those who lost family or friends!
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Offline Bleyse

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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #9 on: Apr 30, 2011, 02:25 »
I have a great deal of sympathy for the people all over the south that have lost everything in these storms.  They certainly didn't do anything to deserve this.  I send my genuine, heartfelt prayers out to all who are struggling to cope with the aftermath.  :(

I wasn't trying to mock the victims with my previous post, but rather the sensational nature of journalists and how they like to put out attention grabbing, panic stirring headlines at a time when people have enough real issues to be worried about.  Consider the following article:

But then again, that's how they sell newspapers, and it has always been this way with the press. ::)

If anyone that was directly affected by the tornadoes was/is offended by my previous post, I apologize. :-[


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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #10 on: Apr 30, 2011, 09:39 »
I have a great deal of sympathy for the people all over the south that have lost everything in these storms.  They certainly didn't do anything to deserve this.  I send my genuine, heartfelt prayers out to all who are struggling to cope with the aftermath.  :(

I wasn't trying to mock the victims with my previous post, but rather the sensational nature of journalists and how they like to put out attention grabbing, panic stirring headlines at a time when people have enough real issues to be worried about.  Consider the following article:

But then again, that's how they sell newspapers, and it has always been this way with the press. ::)

If anyone that was directly affected by the tornadoes was/is offended by my previous post, I apologize. :-[

No sir, I wasn't referring to you. In fact no one has gotten out of line here. I just know at times we tend to be callous nukes, we're programmed to be that way. Just wanted to make certain everyone knows how bad it is in that area and given how smll our community really is there's good odds we know someone who is affected even though we might not realize it. Sometimes we bicker on this forum, I know I do. I'm just hoping as a forum we can agree this is not the thread or the topic we should be bickering about or taking lightly.


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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #11 on: Apr 30, 2011, 01:07 »
For those that dont get to see it. Heres a picture of my buddies town.

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Re: Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2011, 01:50 »


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