Facility & Company Information > Browns Ferry
Browns Ferry tripped due to bad weather
Eh, Didn't really know which sub forum to put it under but either way I didn't see anyone else post anything about it. Good to know everything seems to have worked as designed so far.
--- Quote from: Graphic on Apr 27, 2011, 09:30 ---Eh, Didn't really know which sub forum to put it under but either way I didn't see anyone else post anything about it. Good to know everything seems to have worked as designed so far.
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Its funny how things work when you dont go past design basis earthquakes couple with a massive tsunami ;)
This is really a non-issue, and only printed on because of the stuff in japan. BUT good press is good press, I'll eat it.
Yeah I just enjoyed the fact it was good press myself. Will be interesting from what I hear D&Z just lost their contract there and Williams Plant Services is going to be the main contractor. Same with FPL sites... just what I've heard from a few little birdies who knows what is true. ???
--- Quote from: Sun Dog on Apr 27, 2011, 10:25 ---Congratulations on branching out from FFD/Badging SME to rumormonger.
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lol! I know I try to stay put in my area usually cause I don't know much :D
OMG OMG OMG Stop the press!!! You mean to tell me that we here in a America just had one plant enter safe shutdown after a Tornado and now we have three (!) units trip and go into safe shutdown state after severe weather and there's not any release of fission products!!! How can that be!?!?! :->
Pardon me for my facetious post. I guess I'm just irritated that the very first response in the article referenced had to quote the byline stating that it's the same design plant as Fukishima.... blah blah blah. Next thing we'll hear is that the ~20 dead due to the 'storm' had something to do with Browns Ferry. ::)
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