If I may, I'd like to make a couple of suggestions. These are only suggestions since I'm a complete T-Baller Snowflake, but here goes...
1. Humble yourself a bit.
2. Go to the NRC's website. Find out when the licensing examinations over the next couple of years are being offered for instant SROs (SROI) at Callaway. This information may or may not even be available there, but check and see. Subtract 2 years from that date and a class may commence around that time.
3. Verify this information.
I should emphasize that this is not a surefire way, perhaps someone more knowledgeable would care to comment/help you out. One thing I have noticed here is posts like yours are not accepted very well. Sure, it was innocent enough, but it comes across with a sense of entitlement. This is possibly why you received the response you got from BZ. Good luck with everything and (early) congratulations on your retirement.