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Author Topic: Callaway ILT class up times  (Read 8771 times)

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Callaway ILT class up times
« on: Apr 29, 2011, 02:05 »
I am looking to get on at Callaway as an instant SRO.  Does anyone here know the normal class up times for Callaway's ILT courses.  I retire from the Navy this December and am hoping the class up time is somewhere around this.


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Re: Callaway ILT class up times
« Reply #1 on: Apr 29, 2011, 06:41 »
Ok you've proven you can sweep and paint an engine room. What makes you think you're qualified to be an SRO on a real reactor?


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Re: Callaway ILT class up times
« Reply #2 on: Apr 29, 2011, 11:08 »

If I may, I'd like to make a couple of suggestions.  These are only suggestions since I'm a complete T-Baller Snowflake, but here goes...

1.  Humble yourself a bit.
2.  Go to the NRC's website.  Find out when the licensing examinations over the next couple of years are being offered for instant SROs (SROI) at Callaway.  This information may or may not even be available there, but check and see.  Subtract 2 years from that date and a class may commence around that time.
3.  Verify this information.

I should emphasize that this is not a surefire way, perhaps someone more knowledgeable would care to comment/help you out.  One thing I have noticed here is posts like yours are not accepted very well.  Sure, it was innocent enough, but it comes across with a sense of entitlement. This is possibly why you received the response you got from BZ.  Good luck with everything and (early) congratulations on your retirement.



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Re: Callaway ILT class up times
« Reply #3 on: Apr 30, 2011, 01:57 »

If I may, I'd like to make a couple of suggestions.  These are only suggestions since I'm a complete T-Baller Snowflake, but here goes...

1.  Humble yourself a bit.
2.  Go to the NRC's website.  Find out when the licensing examinations over the next couple of years are being offered for instant SROs (SROI) at Callaway.  This information may or may not even be available there, but check and see.  Subtract 2 years from that date and a class may commence around that time.
3.  Verify this information.

I should emphasize that this is not a surefire way, perhaps someone more knowledgeable would care to comment/help you out.  One thing I have noticed here is posts like yours are not accepted very well.  Sure, it was innocent enough, but it comes across with a sense of entitlement. This is possibly why you received the response you got from BZ.  Good luck with everything and (early) congratulations on your retirement.


Exactly!!! :)

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Re: Callaway ILT class up times
« Reply #4 on: Apr 30, 2011, 04:10 »
I went to the Ameren website and checked out their job postings for the Callaway plant. It looks like they are currently hiring two positions for their upcoming ILT SRO class. If their hiring scheme is anything like the plant I work at, they will need to have these last two positions filled within a few months. That will put their class up time at ~December. In order to be part of that class you would have had to start work by late June/early July (six month requirement prior to classing up). I would expect their next available SRO-T hiring cycle to start September-ish of 2012. This is not insider information, just my best guess based on what I've seen and what they are posting at Callaway.

If you need more detailed information, I can talk to you one on one via email or phone.

P.S.- Not everyone here believes that a desire to achieve something and the willingness to ask about it is the same thing as an expectation of entitlement.


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Re: Callaway ILT class up times
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2011, 06:25 »
Ok you've proven you can sweep and paint an engine room. What makes you think you're qualified to be an SRO on a real reactor?

Well, I didn't really think I was expressing much entitlement.  It is my understanding that lots of ex navy nukes with the experience I have get hired on as instant SRO's. If this was not the case then I would not be pursuing this avenue. 

When I initially posted this there were no openings yet on the Ameren website.  So thank you for that advice Bradley and also I had not thought to look up the licensing exam on the NRC website so thank you very much for that gamma_ray. 


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Re: Callaway ILT class up times
« Reply #6 on: Sep 02, 2011, 05:46 »
If you are still interested, Callaway will be posting or SRO positions very soon.  We are planning on hiring to start a class in November/December of 2012 to take the March 2013 GFES.  We have a 6 month pre-ILT course so all direct SRO's will be in house by June of 2012. 

When you look at the Ameren job postings look for "Operating Supervisor" in Fulton, MO.  Read the posting to make sure it is for the Operations Department to obtain an NRC license.  It's tricky because all the Operations Trainers are Operating Supervisors too.



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Re: Callaway ILT class up times
« Reply #7 on: Sep 06, 2011, 06:26 »
I am still very interested but unfortunately June may be a little too far out for me.


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