PM- about 120/hr
engineer, sr...100-110/hr.
speciality (turbines, digital), startup eng, , director 150/hr and up.
OT- 10-20 hrs non-outage.
30-40 outage.
PD, tax free....900/wk.
These rates are higher than say, Duke-Southern-Anywhere else because most realize the extreme FPL incompetence at the manager level. You earn your dough
The directs, engineering, maintenance, and op's were pretty decent people. they have/had the same jaded view of the "juno beach jokers" that I had. It takes a premium to get people there.
engage rad con math...
survey sez...
at 60hrs/wk engineer @ 100/hr is...$364K. Outage hours will push this higher.
The PD is tax free, which could get a 1.4 multiplier.
Most of the EPU people live in condos bought by inlaws during the 2008 RE meltdown for 30K cash
The minimum salary for the NFL is $375K.
No state income tax for florida.
No exaggeration.
Its also no exaggeration will age in dog years while making that money.
Let people that are ACTUAL PM, Eng, Directors comment on the pay and not low level pikers or rem-rags