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Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« on: Sep 26, 2003, 02:09 »
Would like to ask what is the best decon method on skin has worked the best and why?  Have been through 409, GOJO, Glass Plus, duct tape (ouch!), "anything on hand" etc... Looking to take the Site that I am at to a consistent "cleaner".  Any help would really be appreciated.  Thank you in advance!

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #1 on: Sep 26, 2003, 02:26 »
1. Plain old soap and water. Water has to be luke warm. You can use bar soap or dish soap. Dawn is good because it lifts oils with dirt. Use twice, if that doesn't work:
2. Go to a pumice based or a mechanics hand cleaner for hands only (I suppose it would be okay on feet). Use only once. For other skin contaminations, I wouldn't do any thing else.
Never try to decon more than a few times. The exposure risk isn't worth the headache you'll have if you wash them raw.
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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #2 on: Sep 26, 2003, 06:43 »
sounds like the c has already chemically bonded or become inert because of the decon methods and residence time. typically u have many choices based on the compund u wish to use. cobalt and the iron series must be removed via an acid type surfactant.  any alkali soaps may render iron species passive and make it hard to remove.  peroxides may be used with care this includes permanganate.  alkaline based -cesium- may also be removed with acid wash- dont forget the used of tide detergent this stuff can be harsh but it does work-so would any detergent that says it will remove blood (cobalt)or rust.  sweating is also a method- however remember this- do a dose calculation on it and more than likely its no big deal- however if dose is the issue dermal abrasion under a doctors direction may be the only solution.  what it sounds like is that the methods used changed the chemical compostion and the contamination is just sitting there inert.  the key to any rad contaminations it to decon it like any of the similar species iron-cobalt-or oxides ;cesium-alkaline or salts  the nasties (plut etc) treat it like lead.(good luck with that stuff) if in a grease matrix-soaps followed by acidifiation and rewash. dont forget the liabilites also-are the methods of treatment causing a traumatic impact upon the contaminated peson-psychsomatic issues can be very real in a court of law.


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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #3 on: Sep 27, 2003, 04:33 »
I agree with Rennhack, it depends on the particular type of contamination, or the materials the contamination is combined with, ( dust, dirt, grease, acids, alkali, solvents, glue ).  Some of the products mentioned in the initial posting would not be my first choice, my second either.  It's always great to have a one stop cure all, but the standard decontamination methods have been proven for decades.  Normally, soap and warm water will resolve 99 % of your contamination cases.  As well as being an effective cleaning agent, the worker will feel more comfortable when they see that it is as simple as washing their hands, just like they do at home!  

If it doesn't work after 3X , focus on the skin condition and any signs of foreign residue.  If grease is present, a product such as dawn can be used, straight without water, then rinsed.  This will usually cut the grease and even some types of tape residue.  If the residue still persists, a little, ( Very Little ), waterless hand cleaner could be used in localized areas.

Tide was mentioned and it is very effective, in the powder form.  Powdered Tide, contains Titanium Dioxide, a great Oxidizer!  Most people assume it should be used like a soap, wash and rinse.  This isn't the case, it should be mixed into a thick paste with water, then applied to the area for a couple of minutes, until it starts to dry.  It may seem a little ridiculous but this stuff is actually fairly aggressive.  It is oxidizing the thin layer of outer skin!  I have used this method several time and the workers involved seemed to have little concern with the product.  After all most of them washed their clothing in the stuff!    

Potassium Permanganate is an oxidizer and should only be used if you are trained.  I have only seen this product used twice in the past 25 years.  Once by myself and once by an impatient Engineer, who thought he knew better!  The Engineer incident, was one of those," Where is the camera when you need it", moments!  He picked the bottle up and applied it to his thighs and crotch, in the shower.  In a short time he realized that the purple wasn't coming off!  After we managed to get chemistry to mix us up a batch of neutralizer, the Engineer's last words were, " Thanks, It was starting to get Real Tingely"!  This product also has a very specific negative reaction with many other chemicals and will waste a demineralizer bed in a heart beat!  

Before using any product, READ the LABEL!  Make sure it has been proven for use on a persons skin.  Make sure it won't cause you an even bigger problem.  If a product's label contains the words, Petrolium Based, or gives a VOC range, I wouldn't even consider it!  

Keep the worker involved in the process you are using and allow him to reason it out.  I have seen a simple decontamination incident run for weeks, because the person wasn't given any explaination as to what was used, or why!

After you have completed the decontamination, make sure you follow up with some form of skin conditioner, even if you only used soap and water.  

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #4 on: Sep 27, 2003, 07:00 »
I too have seen a number of products used on the skin for decontamination with various degrees of success depending on the physical nature of the contaminate.
I have seen WD-40 used with good success when followed by a foaming cleanser. The WD-40 appears to act as a solvent and binder then is removed with a degreasing foam cleaner like "syntec" or "wallpower". This can be harsh on the skin and will burn on cuts and scrapes. (Don't ask me how I know this)

Okay, Okay, here's my decon story about a "Engineer" (Isn't it always an Engineer) who was being frisked by a diligent RP and found where he had sat down on something that leached thru his PCs. Bypassing Procedure guidence the RP in trying to assist the agitated and in a hurry Engineer grabbed a can of "Radiac-wash" foaming cleanser,the Engineer sprayed and wiped the skin of the affected area. Shorty thereafter the Engineer began complaining about some rather intense burning. The RP checked the can of grubby "Radiac-wash" only to find it was really a can of Gasket Cleaner some mechanic had left at the frisking station. After the Engineer was showered and the RP severely chastized in front of the Engineer by the RPM and various members of Management, the Engineer left the room with the RP fearing for his job, only to be assulted by peals of laughter and congratulations from the same people who were just a moment ago acting like they were going to fire him.
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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #5 on: Sep 29, 2003, 06:07 »


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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #6 on: Sep 30, 2003, 02:45 »
WD-40... It is really good stuff, for lubing a Rusty Bolt!  Not a Good Idea for the Skin!  Read the label, you will see the mention of Keytone in the solvent.  Not a good choice!  Read the Label!

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #7 on: Sep 30, 2003, 08:38 »
When I have been working on my car and can't find the degreaser, I pour a palm full of vegatable oil in my hand and wash with that. Then use a squirt of dawn to wash the whole mess off.  Works fine as a safe degreaser.
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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #8 on: Sep 30, 2003, 09:52 »
scooter.... guess what?  hps can't agree  ;)
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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #9 on: Sep 30, 2003, 10:36 »
SLOGO and all others who have replied - Applauds to all!

As SLOGO has communicated so well (As always!) HPs can't agree.  All know that when you get 2 HPs in a room, you usually get 3 opinions!  I really do appreciate the input by all.  I will get with the HPs on Site in a couple of days and use the replys here to start the DISSCUSION to come to a live-with solution.  I'll let you all know the outcome.  THANKS AGAIN and keep them comming!

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #10 on: Sep 30, 2003, 12:26 »
There are a couple of agents not yet mentioned; 1) powdered detergent and cornmeal mixed at 50/50, 2) citric acid cleaner.
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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #11 on: Sep 30, 2003, 02:05 »

Well, DUH, Doh, and fiddlesticks. Just a question posed for you, why do you think that RPs who deal with contamination in the field on a daily basis have the least documented cases of skin contamination?

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #12 on: Sep 30, 2003, 02:10 »
I've done the Tide paste mix and I think I would rather carry the contamination around. It BURNS! It BURNS! Try it at home, what fun. Show your kids, let them know what mommy and daddy face every day at work.
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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #13 on: Sep 30, 2003, 06:32 »
most of this stuff is old news and taken from the rad health hand books and plowshares era documents-


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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #14 on: Oct 01, 2003, 03:06 »
  The proven methods, are in fact out of the Rad-Health Handbook, just like many other antiquated pieces of information.  Like Spectroscopy Information, Decay Schemes, T1/2 Values, Numerous Formulas and Conversions, Instrument Theory and Operation, Material Chemical and Physical Properties, The Period Chart and a Mass of other Important Information!  I even think that the two techs disagreeing theory, is in there, " Similar charges, Repell each other "!  I'm not 100% sure who wrote this thing, but they sure didn't anticipate the nintendo way of thinking, in todays world!  Those Dang Plowshare Fossils!


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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #15 on: Oct 01, 2003, 08:09 »
I've done the Tide paste mix and I think I would rather carry the contamination around. It BURNS! It BURNS! Try it at home, what fun. Show your kids, let them know what mommy and daddy face every day at work.

Consider that mixing Tide and diesel fuel makes a great incendiary device....i would think twice before mixing to many concotions up with it :)

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #16 on: Oct 01, 2003, 10:04 »
Considering the "sue everyone in sight" society that we live in it would be prudent to not go beyond tepid water and mild soap for personnel decon.  If 3 cycles of decon by that method doesn't get the individual "clean" it would be best to allow the powers that be stick their necks out on anything more aggressive.  20 years ago was a different world.  Today you may end up in court.  This thread reminds of the poor soul whose upper torso was supposedly contaminated.  After being deconned to a point where his chest was red, abraded, and raw from so many decon scrubbing and washing cycles an RM-14 and a piece of cardboard helped determined that he had an uptake not a skin contamination.
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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #17 on: Oct 02, 2003, 02:21 »
Having worked the control point at IP2 and Maine Yankee ( in the good old days).I would recommend the cheapest high foaming shaving cream one could find EXP:Barbasol. It is very good on skin and facial hair .It is made to go on sensitive skin. I have done more decon than any one would like. It lifts the contamination as it foams. Sounds like a sales pitch.  :D :D :D

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #18 on: Oct 10, 2003, 01:40 »
The chemical aspect here seems well covered.  But don't forget using a natural skin factor: sweat.

Wrap effected area in plastic wrap and wait a while.  Then wash again.

I've found this technique to work fairly well on contamination ground into the pores (Read as "craft wallowed in the grease and anti-sieze).  You can even put a little waterless hand cleaner on under the plastic wrap to entrain the contamination coming out of the pores.


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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #19 on: Oct 14, 2003, 05:06 »
Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use? What NOT to use!

Just witnessed last week at PV.....
2 Sr Techs using Duct Tape on the hand & FACE!
Had to admonish the practice....House tech saw it & called Supervisor....guess this could go under "how's your outage going?"


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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #20 on: Oct 15, 2003, 07:01 »
The chemical aspect here seems well covered.  But don't forget using a natural skin factor: sweat.

Wrap effected area in plastic wrap and wait a while.  Then wash again.

I've found this technique to work fairly well on contamination ground into the pores (Read as "craft wallowed in the grease and anti-sieze).  You can even put a little waterless hand cleaner on under the plastic wrap to entrain the contamination coming out of the pores.


Ok so this many be a silly question - and I'm sure I'll be told so if it is - but I have to ask... and hey I'm not a nuke worker... so I'm allowed to ask silly questions.

When you sweat your pores open. And if you're pores open wouldn't that be a bad thing? In that it may allow contaminants to enter deeper into the pore?
being that your skin is a defense system for outside contaminates of all kind.  wouldn't it be better to not heat up the skin but rather lift the contaminate out with a deep pore cleanser  - like an acne cleanser. (which btw all say to use luke warm or even cold water to keep the facial pores closed down.) some do have "acid" to help prevent I suppose you'd have to read the label.  

I do like the Dawn soap idea - took skunk stink out of my cat.  The Tide plan sounds a bit harsh - ever stick your hand in the washer when it's filling? (it comes out feeling slick - that can't be good)

ok back to work for me...

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #21 on: Oct 15, 2003, 07:11 »

When you sweat your pores open. And if you're pores open wouldn't that be a bad thing? In that it may allow contaminants to enter deeper into the pore?
being that your skin is a defense system for outside contaminates of all kind.  wouldn't it be better to not heat up the skin but rather lift the contaminate out with a deep pore cleanser  - like an acne cleanser. (which btw all say to use luke warm or even cold water to keep the facial pores closed down.) some do have "acid" to help prevent I suppose you'd have to read the label.  

as you sweat, your pores do open, that is correct.  as long as the body is properly hydrated, perspiration is excreted throught the open pores to cool the body.  it is this perspiring action that is the active agent during this mode of decontamination.
since it has been awhile since i participated in high levels of contamination decon on personnel, i am unaware of the effectiveness of the deep pore cleansers.  it is an entertaining scenario.  anybuddy else hear about this?
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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #22 on: Oct 15, 2003, 07:36 »
most have b. peroxide which my help remove iron species and emulsify oils.  sweating seems to only work within the first few hours or day.  after that natural exfoliation is more than likely the process of removal. greases and oils would tend to float to the skin surface and removal may be aided by acne cleaners.  however, a proper triage, initial cleaning, then dose assessment is the correct method to approach this.  letting a "typical HP tech" deal with it using archaic methods should not be considered a prudent method.  if the contamination is a fuel frag, serious procedural controls must be in place to capture the event for medical and legal reasons and to prevent employees from using WD40 to decon someone. (stoddard solvent)

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #23 on: Oct 19, 2003, 05:58 »
to prevent employees from using WD40 to decon someone.

What? You would besmerch WD-40? There are 1001 uses for the stuff, 1002 if you count Nuclear stuff. Having seen what some people put in their bodies, I can't see that WD-40 on the skin is all that risky. ( I checked the MSDS )

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Re: Decontamination of Skin, What to use?
« Reply #24 on: Oct 19, 2003, 09:26 »
Duct tape can actually be used in more cases and places than you might think - you just need to make it a little less sticky.  If you put a small piece of duct tape on your pants before applying it to the the skin it is very effective in removing loose contamination (especially particles) without ripping the hair off.  The best part of this trick is that the contamination is still captured for analysis.  Just remember that some brands of duct tape are stickier than others, so you may want to try it on yourself before trying it on someone else.


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