Facility & Company Information > Plum Brook
Plumbrook Connections
I'm looking for someone in the RP/HP dept. working Plumbrook who can give me information on the site rep. so I can try to get my resume in and get in there. I generally work Bartlett and they are submitting but we all know having an inside connection does help. Have worked with many who are there now so can vouch to my work ethics. Have been wanting to get in there for a few years now, had just gotten signed on when my husband was found deceased at our home so I had to back out to deal with that. Would be forever grateful to whomever if I could get my foot back in that door. Any help or information would help.
>:( :-* :P ;D
Bartlett is advertising on this website for techs at Plum Brook.
And just a note. Plum Brook is not a DOE facility. It is a NRC licensed (posses do not operate license) facility.
Joe Tuttle is the site rep here and he can be reached at 419-609-4891. This is a NRC Regulated Facility.
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