Okay, I'll type slowly so noone gets confused.
The Atlantic Group, or DZ Atlantic as they are called now. A company of 200,000 people, millions of $ in payroll weekly and new policies that we as contractors need to be aware of.
#1 No Direct Deposit
When you travel hundreds of miles from home, dont expect your direct deposit to be arranged by the time you get your 1st pay check. A company that big cant possibly be worried about getting you your money in a timely fashon. You people are scum if you "live check by check", or something like that was mentioned. It takes months to set up something like direct deposit, and get this; when you change to a new outage, all your old information is wiped out and you have to start all over (said the Pesident of Radiological Services, last week).
It is insane for a company like Atlantic to think people budget thier 1st paycheck of the fall season for expenses on the road and at home, insane I tell you.
#2 One Check (Pay & Per Diem combined)
Dont think you gonna keep one check and cash the other, for that fact dont think you gonna cash anything at Walmart ($1500 limit), cause it's all in one check. Now I guess thats a good thing if you have DIRECT DEPOSIT, and your just out of luck if you dont. But I guess now you just have to drive over to the company arranged check cashing bank, wherever it is and pay $5 to get your money.
#3 No Bank
Atlantic, having been on site here for a month, never had to forsight to arrange a bank for cashing checks, espically in light of it taking 6 months to set up the DIRECT DEPOSIT. Now how can it be expected that a huge comapny like DZ Atlantic to care if people hundreds of miles from home, with no DIRECT DEPOSIT cant cash their checks. Espically their 1st pay check of the fall season, why should they, these people got hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank, they just travel to these outages for the casinos.
But have no fear, the President of DZ Atlantic Radiological services is in town to throw a party to kick off the outage, he will fix everything. He has money, he can cash his check. Supposedly, he spent all day Friday going bank to bank, and could not arrange for his multi-million dollar comapny to get the necessary credit account for the employees to cash their checks.
So, those people, who expected to get paid thier 1st money last thursday, got a piece of paper instead. A piece of paper they can do nothing with. The banks must have heard some old ARC people were running the company or something, that rubber bounces real high you know.
Obviously, this is not the Numanco of old. Sure some old Numanco people are running things, but it must be the wrong ones. Cause never with Numanco, heck never with Bartlett has my direct deposit failed to be in affect by the 1st pay check. Never have I seen perdiem & pay combinded in one. And there was always a bank, espically if you were gonna give people checks, espically if it takes 2 years to set up the DIRECT DEPOSIT.
Last week I heard certian people mention they read nuke worker, that they like to know whats really going on, listen to the heart beat of the techs. I hope the people of DZ who bought Atlantic read this also, espically if they find out one day they cant cash their pay check either.
I had no idea it was like this, and if one person reads this and rethinks their decision to work here or for Atlantic, well that is why I am writing. We as contractors, we got nothing but each other, good or bad, tall or short. We share information and evaluate it as it pertains to us. This is my 1st outage with Atlantic, and I cant say it's my last. But I can say, I am pissed off, and that doesnt happen very often for me.
Maybe this is a company problem, one so big they just dont care. Maybe this is geographical, if so I'm sure the returnee rate will be even less next time. Who knows what drives the problem, but there is a problem.
And it could very well be the next problem that puts everything in the rear view mirror.