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Atlantic Group

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Author Topic: DZ Atlantic Group  (Read 242292 times)

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #75 on: Sep 03, 2007, 01:27 »

Sounds about right!   :(


Offline SloGlo

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #76 on: Sep 03, 2007, 09:57 »
when i wuz wit allied, we had that bank credit problem atta site in n.j.  da company solved da problem in one day, they issued p.d. in travelers checks, and payroll wuz regular payroll checks.  done deal.  uv coors, dey didn't have 200000 peeps werking for dem either.  small, agile company.  good to work for.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #77 on: Sep 04, 2007, 12:28 »
I agree we are out on our own stll having to use our own money. The man could have brought some cash. Instead he brought somewhat lame excuesses.


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #78 on: Sep 04, 2007, 04:11 »
Slo, they were the good old days, another Century, in fact another Millennium!  ;D

Tarheel & Company,

Sorry for being so blunt, but it seems apparent that you have failed to heed your own advice!  The current management team of Atlantic fails to recognize their assets, YOU, as customers!  The VP arrived at the site and you probably received what you should have expected....NOTHING?  About the same response you will get if you call the office!  If you call to fill a vacancy, their all ears!  If you call to resolve a situation, you'd find far more satisfaction by dialing their competitor!    ;)

Just Another Opinion, RG!

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #79 on: Sep 04, 2007, 04:25 »
But as usual, your right on target RG!  8)


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #80 on: Sep 04, 2007, 05:51 »
I DO know that at least one of Atlantic's competitors has openings at several plants. No need to stay where you ain't appreciated.

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #81 on: Sep 04, 2007, 06:02 »
And you felt the need to tell us that?

Amazing! 8)


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #82 on: Sep 08, 2007, 09:16 »
Welcome to DZ Atlantic

The DZ stands for "dizzy, I'm so dizzy, I dont know how to do DIRECT DEPOSIT, I'm so dizzy".

For some, starting week #4 and still no DIRECT DEPOSIT, they did rough up some local people and find a bank to cash our checks, but they should have told us when we showed up on site, that the people in payroll were not equipted mentally with the tools to be able to handle something as simple as DIRECT DEPOSIT.

I mean, Bartlett can handle it with no problem, and they fought getting it tooth and nail for years. You would think a company with 200,000 people all over the world could handle DIRECT DEPOSIT in their sleep. But I guess sleeping on the job is what they do best at DZ, payroll division anyway.

I feel sorry for the site coordinator, most of this is not his fault, he just has keep ducking and weaving. 8)


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #83 on: Sep 09, 2007, 09:39 »
And you felt the need to tell us that?

Amazing! 8)

I see people complaining about their treatment and I can only hope it's due to a lack of awareness re: options. The other reasons for remaining in an unhappy situation are just depressing to think about.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #84 on: Sep 09, 2007, 11:21 »
I’ve bitten my tongue for a while, as I try not to get involved in the politics.  But I have got to say something when I see something far out of touch with reality.

We have all been spoiled by Bartlett.  I know of no other company on the planet that provides money the day you show up, then again at the end of the week.  I’ve worked for more than a couple of companies.  Most of them pay every other week, and hold back a week.  That’s standard.  I go to a job with one of them, and I know I won’t get a check for three weeks (no travel pay, no advances, no per Diem, no salary… nothing).  In three weeks, when I do get a check, it won’t be direct deposited.  If the company offers it, it will take at least 2 pay cycles, 4-5 weeks, to get the direct deposit working.  They will not go to a bank and setup a check cashing relationship, it’s not their problem.  NO ONE other than Bartlett does that.  And very few give a per diem check separate from a pay check.  Those are just a few of the reasons Bartlett was so successful.  Bruce placed us getting our money in our pockets at the top of his priority list.  If something didn’t happen like it was supposed to, he made it HIS problem.  I have the utmost respect for him for this fact.  When it came to business, he didn’t miss a trick.

Do you see any other company replying on this forum, setting the record straight and publicly responding to accusations like Eric Bartlett does?  We are again spoiled.

What you are experiencing from DZ Atlantic isn't some company that is out of touch with reality.  They are the norm.  Your expectations are biased.  If you prefer the way Bartlett does business, than vote with your wallet, and work for Bartlett.  If you think Bartlett is the blue devil, then don’t work for them, and get used to how the rest of the world operates.
« Last Edit: Sep 09, 2007, 11:23 by Rennhack »

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #85 on: Sep 10, 2007, 08:50 »
Very well put, Mike. And I would like to expand on it a bit.

(Begin Greybeard story:)

My first outage experience (with RAD services) started with a pre-paid plane ticket waiting at the counter at the airport. I met several fellow techs on the plane when I heard them talking about the outage. We were met at the airport by our site coordinator who led us to the airport lounge, ordered up a round of drinks and passed out our perdiem checks. After the second round (paid ofr by the company) we walked out to the rental cars that were already waiting for us (all paperwork completed) and we went to a local place that had rooms for (no kidding) $2/night. After another round of drinks at the bar there we were told where we could cash our checks and left on our own. During the 'training week' (I think it was actually two weeks) there were numerous after work get-togethers (a few on the company) and a big mid-outage party on RAD's bill.

Talk about spoiled.

When I went to work for Numanco, the song remained the same, but by then the plane tickets and rental cars were on their way out. But the checks were always handed out pre-outage, often by Charlie Pierce himself and almost always at a company get-together. The bash that Charlie threw at the Crystal River kick-off in 1981 was particularly memorable... held at the Holiday Inn with an open bar and free food for a very large crowd.

That is the atmosphere that Bartlett was born into, and while the scenarios have changed a lot, I think the company remembers what it takes to keep employees content.To this day I think the hardest thing about being in the contract business is not negotiating with the utilities, it is getting the techs to fill the contract. Bartlett seems to recognize this better than a lot of companies do because the others started out filling union contracts (non-HP) and all they had to do was call the hall. They didn't have to deal with a bunch of picky, often-spoiled, tempermental (sometimes unreliable) individuals.

Even Bartlett is changing some... the perdiem is only in advance if you request it. I still have not had the benefits of direct deposit with them (I do not currently work for them due to my unique situation but expect to in the future) but that is not very high up on my list. The parties are mostly gone... pizza during training week is probably about it (probably a good thing.) But according to some of the posts I have read, they still have the same roots that some of the other companies never had.
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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #86 on: Sep 10, 2007, 11:03 »
Working for Bartlett now.  Advance perdiem if you choose is still a norm.  Parties or get togethers no longer a norm.  Direct deposit not offered.  But did get travel with first paycheck.  Can't have everything.
It is what it is!

Tech A

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #87 on: Sep 10, 2007, 11:59 »
Advance per diem is not the norm.  This just started a few years back.  The norm was we got a per diem check the first day and every thursday and then at the end of the outage if we owed bartlett  per diem they would take it out of our last hourly check they sent home.  Now we have to shell out a lot of our money during the first few weeks, case in point.  Showed up for outage on thursday recieved advance per diem.  Next week no per diem.  Hotel room, apts, room rentals, and  even crack houses all want there money at the beginning of the week.  I know Bartlett changed the per diem policy because there were people who complained that didnt want to owe money at the end.  Was there a majority complaint on this?  Did the techs take a vote? Can the techs and Bartlett go back to the old way of handling perdiem if the majority arent satisfied with the new way?  By the way I really enjoy this site and do respect Mr. Rennhack comments, but its not the contractors that are spoiled, its us houetechs who are spoiled compare to the roadies.  When we go to another plant as shared resources we make a whole lot more money, have a layoff date before we start, have a place already set up for us if we like and of course getting treated better than the contractors.
« Last Edit: Sep 10, 2007, 12:40 by Tech A »


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #88 on: Sep 10, 2007, 12:44 »
not sure why so many are in an uproar over bartlett etc etc not paying per diem till the second week ? i.e your first payroll check. they way i see it ppl have been spoiled by the previous system. I have worked for many companies that do not pay per diem upfront, so you just have to budget your savings etc... not gonna tpuch the direct deposit


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #89 on: Sep 11, 2007, 05:00 »

I agree with most of your comments, which seems to be an accurate assessment of today’s employment perspectives.

I do disagree with the concepts of reality, as it relates to TAG's current management team!  As I read back, it seems that members of their work force have issues relating to financial wellness.  Unlike the competition, TAG has a very limited number of opportunities, about 12 collectively!  It's probably unreasonable to believe that they could have the FORESIGHT to make check cashing arrangements at each facility, that is if they really cared!  Like you, I have worked for several companies, in several states and there has always been a venue for cashing checks...ALWAYS!  The possibility existed that cashing a check would cost a few bucks, but at least the venue was available and you knew the company did the foot work first!  Like you said, BB always considered money in the Techs pocket as the highest priority!  A Technician with a couple of negotiable notes in their pocket is far happier that one with a piece of paper that brings a response of NO WAY! 

As far as a TAG representative responding to a thread on this site, (excuse me while I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes), I’ll bet that World Peace happens first! 



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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #90 on: Oct 18, 2007, 09:38 »
You guys sound like you are having a bad year.....  As for Atlantic, I (and many others) have had no problem with Direct Deposit or any other financial arrangements.  I have had more trouble with Bartlett pay wise than anyone else.  I am currently without local cashing arrangenments because Bartlett will not complete an arrangement with Chase.  So be it.. Imma big boy and I can go to the Bank of America in Chicago on my day off. Not the best arrangement, but one that I can complete without having to rely apon Bartlett.

As for loyalty... I am more loyal to the location of work rather than who has the contract.  I do feel bad when either Atl. or Bart. calls and I am unavailable.  It happens. 

Between the two, I have had better luck with Atlantic.  But Ill work when I can and hopefully where I want to.

Good luck to you all

Offline Lorrie Henson

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #91 on: Oct 19, 2007, 08:22 »

LaSalle Bank is now part of Bank of America and there are branches in St. Joseph and Benton Harbor.  You may want to try them for cashing your check before driving to Chicago.. unless you just wanna drive there  ;D

I thought it would be worth checking out... If I was at home, I'd check it out for you and let you know.



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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #92 on: Oct 19, 2007, 09:30 »

LaSalle Bank is now part of Bank of America and there are branches in St. Joseph and Benton Harbor.  You may want to try them for cashing your check before driving to Chicago.. unless you just wanna drive there  ;D

I thought it would be worth checking out... If I was at home, I'd check it out for you and let you know.


Thanks Lorrie..... I did not know that.   I will give them a try next week.  Already took care of the checks this week.

Offline justme

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #93 on: Oct 20, 2007, 06:32 »
I know Atlantic has sold out its valve division to DZ.  I have heard that they will soon be folding the rp portion also.  Anyone know if it is true?  I hope not, this will mean no competition with Bartlett.
It is what it is!

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #94 on: Oct 21, 2007, 01:40 »
I know Atlantic has sold out its valve division to DZ.  I have heard that they will soon be folding the rp portion also.  Anyone know if it is true?  I hope not, this will mean no competition with Bartlett.

You are not correct.  DZ/NPS bought Atlantic group, not just a valve portion.  DZ/Atlantic Grp plans to continue with HP/RP contracts as far as I know.  And if they stoped, then another would spring up.  There will always be at least 2 options.  There are pleanty of other companies/people that would be willing to step up if Atlantic steped down.


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #95 on: Nov 16, 2007, 10:35 »
well i wish it would go back to the old way of diem check when ya show up and then thursday off the first week and skip a week. after that your on schedule for both checks. i took the 750 advance and regreted it but that was my choice to take it. iwon't do that again.
Advance per diem is not the norm.  This just started a few years back.  The norm was we got a per diem check the first day and every thursday and then at the end of the outage if we owed bartlett  per diem they would take it out of our last hourly check they sent home.  Now we have to shell out a lot of our money during the first few weeks, case in point.  Showed up for outage on thursday recieved advance per diem.  Next week no per diem.  Hotel room, apts, room rentals, and  even crack houses all want there money at the beginning of the week.  I know Bartlett changed the per diem policy because there were people who complained that didnt want to owe money at the end.  Was there a majority complaint on this?  Did the techs take a vote? Can the techs and Bartlett go back to the old way of handling perdiem if the majority arent satisfied with the new way?  By the way I really enjoy this site and do respect Mr. Rennhack comments, but its not the contractors that are spoiled, its us houetechs who are spoiled compare to the roadies.  When we go to another plant as shared resources we make a whole lot more money, have a layoff date before we start, have a place already set up for us if we like and of course getting treated better than the contractors.


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #96 on: Dec 02, 2007, 11:13 »
I disagree... I like getting that Per Diem Check WITH my last check.... I manage my money to support me getting there. 

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #97 on: Dec 03, 2007, 08:03 »
well i wish it would go back to the old way of diem check when ya show up and then thursday off the first week and skip a week. after that your on schedule for both checks. i took the 750 advance and regreted it but that was my choice to take it. iwon't do that again.

This is the atlantic group thread, and Atlantic Group never did that, it is not their 'Old Way'.  Perhaps you meant the way BARTLETT used to do it?  That should go in the Bartlett thread.


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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #98 on: Dec 03, 2007, 08:37 »
worked thankgiving and friday and did not get paid for the holiday sigh. I had enough hours but they siad it did not count .
sure wish it they tell you that before a holiday ...
oh will Merry Xmas everyone ..

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Atlantic Group
« Reply #99 on: Dec 03, 2007, 09:40 »
worked thankgiving and friday and did not get paid for the holiday sigh. I had enough hours but they siad it did not count .
sure wish it they tell you that before a holiday ...
oh will Merry Xmas everyone ..

Numanco never paid holidays either... But Bartlett usually does.

So, does Atlantic group still look better to people?


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