Contract operator? Sign me up....
Im curious how the reintegration process works. Seems like there would be some tension build up. What prevents management from making silly policies to try to weed out the strikers? I guess im too low on the totem pole to understand union dynamics....
As far as weeding out strikers, are you talking about preventing them from coming back into the plant?
As far as Union dynamics, when a strike is called all Union members are expected to honor the picket line. When the strike is over everyone comes back to work. It sounds like they should all be back to work over the course of 1 to 1 1/2 weeks.
The better thing will be to get back to work and into the normal routine. The best thing would have been for it to have never happened but it's too late for that. Here's hoping it was short enough that what passes for normal in the nuclear world is achieved soon.