The mind and not necessarily mine. If I do not know I ask some one, even if I do I may ask to clarify.
See some real life scenario's I have been in below.
GR-135 Exploranium how have you failed me, You told me I had Cesium and cobalt, I believed you I really did until I was informed that is not possible because the part I surveyed came from a cyclotron ( No Fission Products< Therefore Cesium not possible) I took a piece of this to a HPGE gamma spec and found it to be silver and Cobalt. Silver gamma peak 658, close to Cesium gamma peak of 662 but no cigar.
Oh Exploranium how have you failed me. I find a piece of material reading 5mR/hr and you tell me you do not know. The spec looks like Cobalt and a positron emission. Why do you not tell me anything. Why do you at least say Cobalt maybe with 1 clear peak and one marginal. Oh well back to the mind again. Take apiece of this to a HPGE gamma spec and it says Zinc 65 and Cobalt 60. Well it appears the Zinc 65 peak overwhelmed the lower Co-60 peak and made it lower by incorporating it in its peak. The Exploranium does not have a Zinc 65 peak in the library.
Oh Pancake probe how have you failed me. A HP is sent out to check material finds nothing. Tells his supervisor. A load of this same material comes out. They send me. Knowing that the alarm is a gamma alarm, I still check with pancake probe but I find nothing, but with the pancake probe being only about 1/3000 efficient for gamma, I check with a bicron. Only 25 micro R/hr but since this is activated and most betas shielded, no betas for the pancake and since the dose is low not many gammas, so lets say this was 10 counts over background on a pancake that would equate to 30,000 dpm.
Oh Pancake how have you failed me. I was told to survey junk somewhere over the rainbow with a possibility of highly enriched uranium, so I do a full 100 percent pancake check, 10 percent alpha. I go back and check one piece with a pancake, nothing then I check with the Alpha and it goes off. The efficiency for your pancake for alpha being very low, that is what I expect. What was really bad out of about 200 pieces this was the only piece and since I found this one piece I had to survey 100 percent for alpha also.
And of course remballs for neutron, Would not want Ion Chambers to check 150 R/hr , use teletectors etc. So I go with mind.