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Author Topic: I&C or Tech writing where to start?  (Read 6219 times)

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Offline merchantg

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I&C or Tech writing where to start?
« on: Nov 01, 2012, 07:16 »
I am looking to break back into the power plant world after a decade hiatus. I am currently a shift electromechanical tech mostly doing controls and plc work. I finished my B.S. in Nuc Eng Tech from TESC a year ago now. I have a solid work history clean record no drama kind of hire. I was a Navy Nuke MM in the past but I don't really play that fact up too much outside the power plant world because nobody has a clue what it means. I am looking to work in the NC and/or SC areas due to family. I am interested in controls work and procedure writing but man I am clueless as to how to get my foot in the door in either contract work or full time. How does one begin procedure writing for the nuclear world?

Offline GLW

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Re: I&C or Tech writing where to start?
« Reply #1 on: Nov 01, 2012, 09:28 »
It starts here:
INPO 11-003 (nee 09-004), Procedure Use and Adherence
NEI AP-907-001, Procedure Process
NEI AP-907-005, Procedure Writer’s Manual

There a few consultants that offer a procedure writers certification, these are no guaranteed ticket to a job.

My experience cannot be comprehensive as there are a lot of places I have not worked. Full time "Procedure Writer" (defined as 40hrs/week, 52 weeks/year, full benefits package, single focus career) is something I have not witnessed for so long I'm not sure they ever existed.

Procedure writers are hired with some regularity for staff augmentation, you may have to be willing to work cheap for awhile because you will be competing against many of the semi-retireds who have deep and proven resumes and established networks.

You could always go NLO, QA, mechanic, etc., and volunteer for collateral work writing procedures, prove you have an aptitude for it, and essentially become the default "go to" guy for that objective. Later, you parley that aptitude and proven ability into a career move.

That last is my best thought as it does not seem from your post you are looking to travel.

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline merchantg

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Re: I&C or Tech writing where to start?
« Reply #2 on: Nov 01, 2012, 10:10 »
Thanks GLW.  I am fine with contract work to be honest. What about I&C tech work? I am a bit of a controls nerd and like the work. Contract to full time work. Nuke or not the tech is the same. I really am not turned on to the idea of operator work unless there is a fast track path to RO for having a degree or something of the like.

Let me say I really appreciate your response getting inside info can be life saving. I just had a interview request from one of the worst companies to work for in the South East and thanks to someone taking the time to be informative, saved me a world of hurt.


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