I agree with GC. I worked with them (not for them) for several years, and chose to not persue employment with them when I had the opportunity.
Our situations are a little different than yours though... It might not be a bad place to get your feet wet in the engineering field. As an entry level engineer, you'd probably get into a spot relatively quickly where you would be doing work that directly affects our forward deployed ships. There are some really smart people there who could teach you volumes about the real world application of your studies.
Plus, in today's economy I'd say that any job is a good job. I'd try to get placed on an already established project though. While Bettis would be your employer, that employment would be contingent on Bettis maintaining their government contract for that project. New projects will be the first ones cut, and new employees the first to be let go if the contract money dries up. Not trying to sound bad, but just look at what's going on with the federal budget now would tend to scare me away from any project that isn't firmly established.
As far as the interview goes, the advice your friend gave you sounds good.
Good luck!