Career Path > Resume & Interview
emailing resume
David Rathmell:
When emailing a resume to some one what kinda stuff should i put in the actual email to help it stand out or be noticed used to filling out job applications this is all new to me
I would suggest correct grammar and punctuation, for starters.
Why are you emailing a resume anyway? Mail that bad boy in, it's too easy to click that "delete" button.
when you're emailing a resume, briefly put what you do - ie. I've been a MOV tech for 12 years, and have worked over 19 outages.
your resume should speak for itself. :)
don't need a whole life story, just a brief intro, so i know what i'm about to read.
You should have a short cover letter that explains why you want to work there and why you think you are qualified for the position; just put stuff that is especially pertinent to the particular job.
Make sure that your resume is easy to read. Look on the internet for examples. The employer isn't going to read paragraphs. Assume that the person getting it isn't going to read the entire thing - they are going to look for key points, such as the dates of employment, job title, and specific skills you have. So you want those things to stand out, like you might put your job title in bold, etc.
Make sure you are emailing it to the person who makes the decisions. You will get a better response if you know the specific name and email address of someone rather than sending just to human resources.
Follow it up in a few days with a phone call. Again try to talk to someone of importance rather than just a secretary. Just say you want to make sure they got your resume.
If there are a lot of people applying for the same position, you have to do a little extra so you get noticed.
Make sure that you show many ways to contact you: cell, home phone, email, etc.
--- Quote from: steadfast on Sep 07, 2011, 09:26 --- You will get a better response if you know the specific name and email address of someone rather than sending just to human resources.
--- End quote ---
If you personally know the hiring manager and can get a homie hookup, sure. If not, you'll join the other scrubs in the roundfile that didn't follow instructions...
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