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Called or Paged at Home
Having worked at various places, I've seen the "call em at home" from rarely to almost daily depending on the utility culture and/or crisis of the moment.
How often have you been called at home or called in and how do you feel about it?
ok dark matter tell us what you have done in some of thses areas ? or do you get to sit there and watch the fallout of things to come?
me I been called at home sevral times. but hey thats why they ask for your # in case someone is needed to give a helping hand . and do what ever it takes to get the job done.
always come in with a smile and a large cup of java.... and comment WOW.
Rather be called at home and fix something then come in the next day and fix the fix.
--- Quote from: duke99301 on Oct 11, 2004, 11:59 ---ok dark matter tell us what you have done in some of thses areas ? or do you get to sit there and watch the fallout of things to come?
--- End quote ---
Comment noted, My feelings are: When I'm called in for a mechanical problem to keep the plant running or bring er back up---I'm fine with that, thats what we do. When I'm called in to fill-in for a Schedule due to illness or accident------I'm fine with that and am more concerned with the individual whose's out. When I'm called in to handle some political derived crisis due to incompentence------I question whether I want to work here. When I'm called in to fill-in for someone to go play golf with the boss----I pitch a fit. When I'm called at home to answer a work related question-----I'm fine with that if the answer isn't availible at work with a reasonable thought process-----If they're calling rather then use their brains, I worry about the future of nuclear power.
Nuclear NASCAR:
I don't mind getting called at home, because I know most of the time it means it'll be something I either won't see often (So I'll learn from it) or it's something I know and can use what I've learned so far. No matter what, I know that if they call me at home I'll be making some nice money, and these days that goes farther than job satisfaction.
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