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Author Topic: Research Study for an Educational Program in Nuclear Construction  (Read 5526 times)

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My name is Erik Wright. I am a graduate student at Purdue University with 9 years experience heavy/specialized construction in the US and Iraq.

I am conducting research on the need for educational programs to prepare nuclear construction professionals for successful delivery of nuclear construction projects.

I am looking for experienced professionals of all levels to participate in a short online survey  providing feedback relevant to human capital needs, program viability and critical knowledge areas of nuclear construction.

If you are interested in participating or have suggestions on potential participants, please e-mail me at:

Thank you in advance for your assistance and feedback,


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My name is Erik Wright. I am a graduate student at Purdue University with 9 years experience heavy/specialized construction in the US and Iraq.

I am conducting research on the need for educational programs to prepare nuclear construction professionals for successful delivery of nuclear construction projects.

I am looking for experienced professionals of all levels to participate in a short online survey  providing feedback relevant to human capital needs, program viability and critical knowledge areas of nuclear construction.

If you are interested in participating or have suggestions on potential participants, please e-mail me at:

Thank you in advance for your assistance and feedback,


Sounds interesting, are you going to provide feedback to this forum? (assuming you get a reasonable participation from Nukeworker)


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Yes. Once the survey is approved by the university, I will post a link to the survey here in order to allow the forum an opportunity to provide their input to the research. I estimate that the survey will be approved for release around early September as we are almost ready to submit it to the institutional review board now.

While respecting the confidentiality of the individual respondents, I would be happy to share overall results with the forum as well as keeping the forum informed of scholarly publications that result from the research.



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Just to let all members know. We have hit another important milestone in getting this survey released for recieving industry feedback on the construction engineering and management of new nuclear projects. Survey should be released in September. Please let me know if you are interested in taking the survey and providing feedback or have any questions.


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