Now JJ, don't be trying to talk him into coming down to Southport. We have just as much to offer here at Harris as you do down on the coast, except the beach, and the bugs, and the tourists (ususally outnumbering the bugs).
JJ is on the money about the pay. Engineers being salaried are on a different bonus schedule than the hourly employees. Sometimes your bonus is great, sometimes not, depending on the year the company has had as a whole. I have not heard any engineer complain about their pay. Most seem to like their work. I would not worry about going down in pay. Depending on where you live now, the cost of living is probably cheaper here in the triangle. There is decent public transportation here, also depending on the town in which you choose to reside. It is not comparable to a major city (Chicago or NYC) because things are fairly spread out, but it is useable.
Come on down and have a look, you will probably like what you find, either here or at the beach.