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Author Topic: GFES (NRC Generic Fundamentals Exam)  (Read 86588 times)

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« Reply #50 on: Feb 24, 2012, 04:37 »
San Onofre used to once you were in their initial training program. Their basis was if you ever ecided to go up for a license the GFES was already done. Now there is no point in doing so because if you take the GFES and have not licensed within 2 years you have to take it again.


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« Reply #51 on: Feb 25, 2012, 08:26 »
I am currently studying for a pre employment exam GFES. First off, is this uncommon? I am new to the nuclear industry as this is my first employment opportunity. I have a technical certificate and A.A.S. degree in power plant technology also. The materials I have been given to study make this seem quite overwhelming seeing how there is over 1,000 pages and the exam is next Thursday, March 1. I was wondering if anybody has any experience with this. Forgot to mention that I am possibly being employed as an operations apprentice.  Thanks in advance!


Who requires the GFES for pre-employment?

As mentioned before, my @ work homepage, is an invaluable resource.

Offline Starkist

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« Reply #52 on: Feb 26, 2012, 12:58 »
Who requires the GFES for pre-employment?

As mentioned before, my @ work homepage, is an invaluable resource.

Look up 2 posts lol. :P Way ahead of you champ ;)

Offline sportzy1964

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wow, what an incredibly useful tool.  Thank you for all of your work.  I will most definitely be using this and appreciate what you've done!

Offline Rennhack

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I pinned this topic.


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Two new updates:

I added some css styling (doesn't add any functionality but makes it aesthetically pleasing).

Per an email suggestion, I added a review page to the end of each quiz. This presents the users with their grade and allows them the opportunity to review missed questions. I am currently working on some code that will generate a custom quiz based on similar questions to ones that the user previously missed.

The PWR quiz is in progress.

I appreciate receiving your thanks and suggestions. Study hard and good luck.

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Re: Studying for NRC Generic Fundamentals Exam
« Reply #56 on: Mar 23, 2012, 09:29 »
This is great.  I have bookmarked it now, and plan to add it to my daily web destinations.  Thanks.  Is there anything like this for the PWR bank?

We have something similar to this at Vogtle that uses Microsoft Access. I'm not sure if we can share it, unfortunately... This is a great tool and saves a lot of trees..  ;D

Offline Rennhack

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We have something similar to this at Vogtle that uses Microsoft Access. I'm not sure if we can share it, unfortunately... This is a great tool and saves a lot of trees..  ;D

See if you can export it to a file.


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The PWR GFE questions are now available on my website:

I will be adding the images for some of the questions over the next few days.

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You never cease to amaze me with your 'spare time' work!  Thank you for your dedication.
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Offline Rennhack

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Some one... should put together a list of links (like the one above) that helps operators study.  I know nothing about the subject.  Once some one makes it, I would be willing to add an operators page to our study section (study tab above), and host any files needed.
« Last Edit: Mar 26, 2012, 12:41 by Rennhack »

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Some one... should put together a list of links (like the one above) that helps operators study.  I know nothing about the subject.  Once some one makes it, I would be willing to add an operators page to our study section (study tab above), and hose any files needed.

I got it started. I put it in the operator section.,
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Offline Deuce Grande

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« Reply #62 on: May 24, 2012, 09:07 »
Im currently in NLO training and am about to take the GFES final in 2 weeks.  My best advice to you is to practice off the nrc exam bank and learn how to decipher the way questions are asked (i sometimes think the exam writers were stoned when some of the questions were written).  Get into the practice of taking a highlighter and highlighting the pertinent parts of the question ie decrease/increase, this property assumed constant, plant conditions, and what units the answer is in.  Once you think you have the right answer, PROVE the other answers wrong.  Plus, double check your work, because if you added when you should have subtracted, you can bet there is an answer there waiting for you.  Hope this helps.  If you have anymore questions, feel free to pm me.

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May someone help with my CBT exam. I am wondering if there is any practice test for cbt such as electrical theory, process control, fluid ....       Thank you

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Why did Allen leave the forum?

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

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I spoke with Allen, and he said he showed up one day and his account was gone.

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Re: Resource for NRC Generic Fundamentals Exam (GFES)
« Reply #66 on: Feb 15, 2013, 05:56 »
I'm back now. I'll try to stay a little more active on the forum this time.

My cert will be completed next week and the NRC exams start four weeks after. What a long journey but its worth it.
Generic Fundamentals Study Website for BWRs & PWRs

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Re: Resource for NRC Generic Fundamentals Exam (GFES)
« Reply #67 on: Feb 15, 2013, 06:56 »
Good luck Allen!

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

Offline FlatFootSam

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Re: A question about the GFES/Light Exam
« Reply #68 on: Jun 15, 2013, 08:19 »
DJLabs, I hope the test went well for you.  But since I'm sure you're not the only one looking for test prep for the GFES exam, I'll mention a site I built when I was getting ready for the GFES.  The address is, and the site generates randomized, single subject quizzes and comprehensive exams, from the NRC's bank of generic fundamentals exams.

Practice quizzes/exams you've taken can be saved as PDF's for later review.  The site has a built-in Mollier diagram, steam tables, and formula sheet, just like you'll have for the final. 

It also has all the DOE's Reactor Operator Fundamentals Manuals online and searchable in case you need to review a topic.  These are literally the textbook for the GFES.

Anyhow, I had fun building the site, and it helped me and my classmates get ready for the exam.  I hope others can benefit too.


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