Career Path > Nuclear Operator
ACAD 10-001, guide to licensing qualifications.
Within the instruction, I'm confused on what exactly it means by staff positions. Specifically, for the degreed direct-SRO candidates, how does the typical company interpret this if they were trying to hire someone directly out of school or out of the Navy that may not meet the requisite military experience or compareable commerical experience, but has a degree.
What would be an example of one of these "staff" positions at your plant? Is this referring to something along the lines of a training position where you earn the certification and not the license?
Engineering and training are the ones I see most often. I also know one or two maintenance supervisors that crossed over as well. You can also go in as a degreed NLO and direct to SRO but there are other variables that come into play with that.
By the way, page 14 gives specific examples.
I've seen Southernco send a guy to RO school with 6 months of qualified NLO time, some tech certificates, and they counted his time at a pulp mill plant because he ran the boiler there. It seems they can do whatever they want. Its not a rummor but straight from the horses mouth. Go figure! Gives me warm fuzzies.
Did the NRC issue a license?
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