I have some good news, and some bad news.
The good news first: You are not crazy, or losing it.
The bad news:
Below is a current list of Gold Member Perks:
Gold Members Only Forums:
Gold Members Only General Discussion board
Political Debate Forum
Sports Talk Forum
Joke Forum
Expose Yourself
Gold Member Support Forum
Bathroom Wall
You also get functions that only Gold Members are allowed, such as:
Ability to upload your own "Avatar" (personal profile picture) to your profile.
Ability to Edit your own "Custom Title" in your profile
Ability to move and lock your topics in the Forum
Ability to post attachments to your posts in the Forum
Ability to Add Events to the Calendar
Ability to Affect peoples Karma!
Unlimited Personal Messages (Everyone else only gets 10)
LARGER upload limits in the Photo Gallery
Ability to have a PERSONAL Photo Gallery
If you were once a Gold Member, and edited that section... and now are not a Gold Member and would like that section cleared out for you, please send me a message and I will be happy to empty that field for you.
I'm sorry for the confusion, I forgot that was a Gold Member perk.