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Do you have experience in nuclear construction?
« on: Oct 21, 2011, 07:05 »
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Back in August/September, I had made a previous post to see if people on this forum would be interested in participating in a survey questionnaire (via internet) for research we are doing at Purdue University, USA. The intent of the research is to determine the construction engineering and management tasks and advanced construction technologies which are most important to project success. I will post the official invitation and information sheet in another post within this thread.

Thank you in advance for your interest and participation. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may have.




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Re: Do you have experience in nuclear construction?
« Reply #1 on: Oct 21, 2011, 07:08 »
Dear Participant,
 The Division of Construction Engineering and Management at Purdue University, USA is conducting research to assess the critical construction engineering and management competencies and advanced construction technologies necessary to ensure the successful delivery of nuclear construction projects.
 You have been identified as a professional who may have personal experience in nuclear construction or belongs to an organization that has organizational experience with nuclear construction projects. Thus your participation in this valuable research will help provide recommendations to the nuclear power industry for the development of policy, training and education to recruit retain and sustain the nuclear construction workforce.
 We would like to request your participation in this valuable research study by accessing the internet based questionnaire survey (Link Provided Below) and taking approximately 20 minutes of your time to provide feedback based on your professional experience. The attached research information sheet provides additional detail of the study and associated procedures.
 Please forward this survey to other persons within your organization who possess knowledge and experience in the construction engineering and management of nuclear construction projects.
 Thank you again for your participation in this valuable research.

Follow this link to the Survey:

             The Research Team


 Assessment and Recommendations to Address the Availability of Qualified Construction Professionals in the Nuclear Power Industry
 Makarand (Mark) Hastak, Professor and Head
  Division of Construction Engineering and Management
 Purdue University
 550 Stadium Mall Drive, CIVL 1227
 West Lafayette, IN, USA 47907-2051


Purpose of Research
•To assess the current state-of-the-art of construction engineering and management within the nuclear power industry and assess the critical construction technologies areas necessary for successful delivery of nuclear construction projects.

Specific Procedures
•The mode of data collection for this phase of the research will be an internet based questionnaire survey in order to determine the future need of qualified construction management professionals and advanced construction technologies in the nuclear power industry.  A portion of the Survey participants may be contacted in future phases of this research to participate in personal interviews.

Duration of Participation

·Questionnaire duration: About 20 minutes

•The risks associated with this study are minimal. While participants are encouraged to answer all questions associated in this survey; participants may refuse to answer any questions within the survey or request not to be contacted in the future for interviews.

•This empirical approach to collect data related to critical competencies will produce a better understanding of those skill sets which are unique to the nuclear construction industry and develop an educational program designed to prepare qualified entry level professionals to the nuclear power industry.
•This data would form the basis for further research into the development of an educational curriculum geared for this purpose.

Confidentiality:The project's research records may be reviewed by members of the research team (Dr. Makarand Hastak, Dr. Lefteri Tsoukalas, Dr. Kyuman Cho and Mr. Erik Wright) and by departments at Purdue University responsible for regulatory and research oversight. Records will be encrypted and password protected or, if in hard copy, will be in a locked file cabinet in the investigator’s office. Your contact information will be destroyed once no longer required and will not be published as part of the results of this study.

Voluntary Nature of Participation:
You do not have to participate in this research project.  If you agree to participate you can withdraw your participation at any time without penalty.     
 Contact Information:
 If you have any questions about this research project, you can contact Makarand (Mark) Hastak, PhD, P.E. Professor and Head (Phone: 765-494-0641, E-mail:, Erik R. Wright, P.E. Graduate Student (Phone: 765-496-2046, E-mail: If you have concerns about the treatment of research participants, you can contact the Institutional Review Board at Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, Hovde Hall Room 300, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040. The phone number for the Board’s secretary is (765) 494-5942.  The email address is
 Thank You for your Participation

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Re: Do you have experience in nuclear construction?
« Reply #2 on: Oct 21, 2011, 08:09 »
Quote from: erik.wright link=Youtopic=33495.msg153054#msg153054 date=1319195325
Dear Participant,
 The Division of Construction Engineering and Management at Purdue University, USA is conducting research to assess the critical construction engineering and management competencies and advanced construction technologies necessary to ensure the successful delivery of nuclear construction projects.

Yes. Once the survey is approved by the university, I will post a link to the survey here in order to allow the forum an opportunity to provide their input to the research. I estimate that the survey will be approved for release around early September as we are almost ready to submit it to the institutional review board now.

It's been 2.5 months since the first call for replies. If you need more data, maybe this isn't the optimal sample group, try NEI or ANS ?!?  [sos]


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Re: Do you have experience in nuclear construction?
« Reply #3 on: Oct 21, 2011, 09:51 »

Thank you for your reply. When I had posted my original thread 2.5 months ago, we were still developing the survey. At that time I was trying to guage the interest level of the professionals that use this forum.

The survey was just approved for release yesterday (20 October 2011) so it is actually within its first few hours.

I am working with NEI and ANS also.

Thank you,



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