Career Path > NRC
INPO Rating
--- Quote from: wlrun3 on Jan 18, 2012, 11:55 ---
Wouldn't the INPO rating system be similar to the NRC's Reactor Oversight Process and be similarly available to the public?
--- End quote ---
INPO is a private, utility run organization and not subject to the 'Government in the Sunshine' laws.
At my plant the INPO rating is posted in our conference room, but in big bold letters it says that this information is PRIVATE and not for transmittal. I don't remember the exact verbage, but it basically says don't even share within the company....
The public doesn't have access to INPO. Like was mentioned, it is a private organization formed from within the industry.
That said, the INPO and NRC ratings are often tied pretty close together. You won't ever find an INPO 1 plant in NRC column 4. If anything, the NRC lags INPO a bit because INPO is supposed to be identifying areas for improvement before the NRC comes in with their version of "help."
It looks like NRC ROP columns 1 through 5 are very similar to INPO ratings 1 through 5.
Similar processes, yes. Different organizations and different rules. INPO is private and answers only to the sponsoring utilities.
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