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Author Topic: I am currently a freshman in an A.A.S. program. Any Advice?  (Read 5600 times)

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Offline Papamarc37

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I don't want to wait until after I graduate to start making connections and looking for jobs. I'm in Oak Ridge and I've started attending the SSAB meetings and I'm volunteering at the Science Museum next weekend. Any other suggestions for networking opportunities?

Offline Papamarc37

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Allow me to clarify my question. I'm asking about opportunities to meet people in the field outside of the interview room. If anyone knows of any upcoming seminars or similar events, that would offer a chance to socialize with nuke workers, I would appreciate the information.
« Last Edit: Feb 16, 2012, 11:06 by Papamarc37 »

Offline Rennhack

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The East Tennessee Chapter of the Health Physics Society.


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Drop me a line if you happen to visit Houston...... I will gladly talk to you


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Take all the advice you can get, especially from the old-timers, and stay with it until you get your BS.


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