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Author Topic: OUTAGE JOBS  (Read 10026 times)

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Offline cbrockelman

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« on: Dec 09, 2011, 12:42 »
I am new to the nuclear industry, as i have completed a power plant technology course through a local technical college. A friend of mine has also completed this course and we are looking to be traveling partners for outages. the problem we're running into is that we dont have the slightest clue of where or who to get ahold of for possible jobs at up coming outages. We're looking for jobs that require a low level of experience such as a mechanic or electrician's helper. any help would be greatly appreciated!



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« Reply #1 on: Dec 09, 2011, 02:38 »
You may want to check with SHAW as a source of trade type work.  They are getting ready to build the two new AP1000 Westinghouse units at V.C. Summer.  SC is a right to work state and the union issues may not be so prohibiting there.  Don't know who is the construction company at Vogtle in Augusta, GA.

Offline Protectologist

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« Reply #2 on: Dec 10, 2011, 05:32 »
Shaw just picked up the APS contract and will be lookiing for people for Palo Verde. B&W and Bartlett have formed a joint venture to provide services to Progress Energy plants (and with the Progress Energy/Duke Energy merger that can lead to bigger and better things, i. e. more work). You can probably find something by contacting either one of them. The problem isn't so much finding work but deciding where you want to be geographically. Also, do you want power plant work of will any kind of facility do? DOE has been cutting back but Oak Ridge is a working facility and will be hiring, as well as INL in Idaho, not to mention the Ohio facilities. Be more specific about what you want and then you can focus your job search on achieving that.

Offline rctbymay

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« Reply #3 on: Dec 10, 2011, 08:57 »
What kind of company is Shaw like to work for? do they try and line up future jobs after outages and or projects?


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« Reply #4 on: Dec 18, 2011, 08:12 »
I am new to the nuclear industry, as i have completed a power plant technology course through a local technical college. A friend of mine has also completed this course and we are looking to be traveling partners for outages. the problem we're running into is that we dont have the slightest clue of where or who to get ahold of for possible jobs at up coming outages. We're looking for jobs that require a low level of experience such as a mechanic or electrician's helper. any help would be greatly appreciated!

What did the college you went to say the kind of job you are trained for?  Operator or RP?  Why settle for a low level job when you are trained to do more?  Operators start out as apprentice Nuclear Plant Equipment Operator, Hp's as juniors or even Deconners.  Why do you prefer outages over permanent jobs?   The reason many are taking outages is they are experienced elsewhere like the Navy and wanted to travel.  They traveling life is not what it once was.

Offline Ksheed

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« Reply #5 on: Dec 21, 2011, 05:03 »
Since you are starting at an entry level position, I suggest you try to get on at a local Nuke if there is one close to you.  If you know someone who works there it can be very helpful. Once you are "in" it is easier to make contacts.


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