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Offline drajundust

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Interview for SGPO for TVA
« on: Dec 13, 2011, 11:02 »
I have an interview with TVA for the SGPO position and I was wondering if anyone could help me get better prepared.  What questions will they ask? What would be the proper attire (I am female) to wear to the interview? Things of that nature.  Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Offline Papa Nuc

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Re: Interview for SGPO for TVA
« Reply #1 on: Dec 13, 2011, 11:40 »
Dress professionally.  Search for the STAR interview resources that have been posted here many times.  Be prepared to discuss your strengths and why they are relevant, and your weaknesses and what you have done to overcome them.       

Offline rumrunner

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Re: Interview for SGPO for TVA
« Reply #2 on: Dec 13, 2011, 04:48 »
Google 'TVA HU Tools' and look at the top hits.  Being able to weave things such as self-checking, procedure adherence, etc., into the interview would be a good thing. 

Offline Bleyse

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Re: Interview for SGPO for TVA
« Reply #3 on: Dec 13, 2011, 05:22 »
Google 'TVA HU Tools' and look at the top hits.  Being able to weave things such as self-checking, procedure adherence, etc., into the interview would be a good thing. 

This is a SUPER suggestion, and I'll even go a little further and post a link to what this guy is talking about.

The STAR interview technique brought up by Papa Nuc is also a good bit of advice - have a story ready to tell about a problem you have faced in another job and how you resolved it.  As specific as possible.

Dress code is 'business casual' for these interviews.  Personally, I wore a long sleeve button down shirt with a tie, no sport jacket - but that was probably overdoing it.  Google business casual for women if you want pics.

At the end of the interview there will be an opportunity to ask questions...  DON'T pass this up!  I was told at my interview that they were surprised (in a good way) that I had a few questions for them after it was all over.  I guess no one else that day had thought to ask any.  It wouldn't hurt to bring a small note pad and pen to take notes of their responses to your questions, to show that you are interested in what they have to say about the job.  Don't ask too many questions though, one or two should suffice.

Congratulations on making it this far in the process.  The last batch of interviews at my plant for this job was ~25 to 30 people.  Don't be surprised if it takes some time after the interview before you hear anything back - for me it was 3 more months after the interview before I hired in.

Good Luck!


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Re: Interview for SGPO for TVA
« Reply #4 on: Dec 13, 2011, 06:13 »
Business casual.
Tips: Bring a copy of your resume for at least 4 people. Usually an Operations Management, Training Management, HR Person and a Union Operator will be in your interview. They aren't out to trick you. Ask them if they would like a copy of your resume.

Business casual. No ties or suits.

I'd be able to answer the following:

1: Tell us something you do well.
2: What do you do poorly and what are you doing about it?
3: Tell us when you improved a team or group. What did you do to make them better.
4: You have a person on your team and he/she is struggling. What do you do?
5: Your boss tells you that you need to improve on something. What do you do?
6: You see an individual violating a process or rule. What do you do?
7: Your boss tells you to do something you know is not the procedural way to accomplish the task. He says well this way is more efficient and besides next week we are implementing this as the new way of doing things. (BTW blow this one and you most likely blow the interview!)

Have a couple questions to ask. Like what can you expect for indoctrination when you get the job. Stuff like that.

TVA is never quick about getting back to you. Remember this is the Holiday season and the Government pretty much shuts down. Most likely many of the people who interview you are going on vacation after the interviews are complete.

When I interviewed they offered me a job before the interview was complete, then completed the interview (NO this will not happen to you) THEN I did not hear from them for 3 months. We're better about this sort of thing now. But still..

Offline rumrunner

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Re: Interview for SGPO for TVA
« Reply #5 on: Dec 13, 2011, 06:41 »
This is a SUPER suggestion

Thanks!  I retired from TVA Nuclear in 2008 and currently am back with them as a contract instructor at BFN.  I wish the OP well on her interview.  Lots of good advice so far in this thread.

Offline drajundust

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Re: Interview for SGPO for TVA
« Reply #6 on: Dec 14, 2011, 09:08 »
Broadzilla- Thank you so much I didn't want to go in there in a suit and feel completely overdressed.  Also thanks for the advice on bringing more than one copy of my resume.  The example questions are a huge help also.  Thank you again!
Papa Nuc- Thank you for letting me know about the STAR resources
rumrunner and bleyse -  Thank you both for telling me about the HU tools and the link. 
It is such a weight off my shoulders to get advice from people who have actually been in my shoes.  Thank you all so much!


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