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Thomas Edison Masters Degree
« on: Oct 21, 2011, 12:04 »

   The Master of Science in Applied Science and Technology degree is a 36-credit online program designed to meet the advanced, multi-disciplinary educational requirements of students interested in obtaining leadership positions in their chosen professions. The core curriculum provides advanced learning in the modern tools of business management, leadership, applied science and technology. The program focuses on developing the research analysis and critical evaluation skills necessary to support decision-making and problem-solving required to lead today’s technical enterprises. The program includes 18 credits of core courses and 12 credits of track-specific courses based on the area of concentration a student selects, and a 6-credit Master's project.

Technical Studies Track   Credits

I. Core courses   18

ORR-510 Organizational Research   (3)

THC-625 Technology and the Human Community: Challenges and Responses   (3)

APS-600 Productivity Measurement and Continuous Improvement   (3)

PJM-510 Project Management   (3)

APS-601 Technology Innovation and Commercialization   (3)

CRS-610 Corporate Social Responsibility   (3)

II. Technical Studies courses   12

EUT-500 Renewable & Alternative Energy   (3)

APS-501 Human Performance Improvement   (3)

APS-502 Advanced Quality Analysis   (3)

CMP-500 Network Security   (3)

III. Master's Project   6

APS-700 Master's Project in Applied Science & Technology   (6)

Total   36
« Last Edit: Oct 21, 2011, 12:08 by wlrun3 »


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