It's dusting white stuff here in the God's country known as Saratoga Springs, NY, although nothing has accumulated for Christmas this year (yet),....
It's pleasant inside Panera's and it's my lucky day 'cause the chicken stew was ready for serving early today and the sourdough bread bowls are fresh and warm,....
My grandson's (all 3 of 'em) are in town this week and they brought their parents with them to visit too,...
None of my children are deployed overseas any longer and my son-in-law, the father of two of my grandson's, and a credit to the male gender, is still home, though he will be deploying in the future,...
All the shopping is done, the home and hearth are warm, and most of my family, friends and acquaintances are doing middling to well which, in the US of A in 2011, is still better than 10 billion of the 11 billion humans who have ever drawn breath have ever known,...
And so, I thank God for the blessing of living in this place and in this time, I wish all and everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and peaceful New Year,....
And I nearly blew my coffee through my nose and all over my laptop as I read Higgs's holiday salutations and it made me glad I stopped by here at today,....
Happy Holidays one and all,.....!!!!!!
GLW,....(resident coffee philosopher),....