Career Path > Different Country
Job in Japan?
Basically what Snowman said. They are being paid about a dollar a millirem.
--- Quote from: HouseDad on Jan 27, 2012, 10:30 ---あなたが読んで、日本語を話すことはできますか ?
--- End quote ---
That's what I was thinking.
--- Quote from: HouseDad on Jan 27, 2012, 10:30 ---あなたが読んで、日本語を話すことはできますか ?
--- End quote ---
I did at one time but can now barely count to ten, just like my spanish from two years of it in High School. ;)
The rain will clean it up, at least the worst of it. I believe they are still trying to get a better handle on stopping the release. Like what was mentioned above, speak the language, work cheap, and have a CHP so you can be a consultant.
I would like go over and personally see how bad it is just to satisfy my own curiosity (like passing a bad car wreck), but their standards and culture are much different than ours and I don't believe I would care to actually work over there. I don't think workers are afforded the same rights in Japan as they are in the USA. I really think they are going to look in 3rd world countries for their labor on the clean up because workers from a country in turmoil will do the work and not complain as opposed to staying home in their tent and dodging bullets.
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