Here are the dimensions for a Dry tube for a BWR 3
Overall lenght 520.5 ", Plunger tip dia. 0.70, Plunge rod dia. 0.500" dia,
first collet on plunger rod 0.70" dia. Tube section in core approx 11' long and 0.754" dia. (sorry I didnt get the section lengths from the drawing, so I am guesstimating) Core plate collet 1.55", tube under core plate dia 1.375, Sealing surface at bottom of vessel 1.1343", threaded section under vessel 1.125 dia. There was a big issue with cracking in top two feet of the dry tube. Most of the tubes were made by Reuter-Stokes under contract to GE. I used to be an Reactor Service Tech for GE so back in the day I pulled a lot of these out of Vessels. In the old days we pulled them out with the lprm handling tool and dragged them into the fuel pool. We would lift the nose cone(cold end) out of the water and walk it into the pool. Sometimes it went well acouple of times it didnt. The NES bending tool made life a lot easier. Pull lprm to about 7 ft from the surface.Clamp in bender, release from LPRM tool, bend til you had an inverted U. Unhook and hang on wall in fuel pool. Sorry for the walk down memory lane but that work was a lot of fun. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions