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Author Topic: Worked at other plants Denied at this one  (Read 16090 times)

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Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« on: Feb 05, 2012, 11:12 »
I was denied.  Am I entitled to look at my access file?  My phq, background check, reference conversations, credit report, and the reason that my access was denied (all they gave me was that I failed to meet site access requirements).  
   Does anyone know what the reference number in the NRC rules pertaining to collection of my personal records?  I thought that I read it but now I can't find it again.


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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #1 on: Feb 06, 2012, 10:49 »
Anything a company or reference tells background is confidential. Companies already hate giving out information on former employees. If anything they say can simply be told to the employee then we would never get a company to release info (even with your consent form a lot of companies still won't for legal reasons) obviously the consent you fill out covers that. Let's just say a reference said you had a drug issue.. Also confidential. You should get a denial letter in the mail with more information than that. You have the right tO know why you were denied.. But they aren't goin to give you specific conversations etc. failure to list is a common reason people get denied. Any felonies in the past 5 years can lead to almost guaranteed denial. Same thing for multiple misdemeanors. Unless your credit is horrible to the point of multiple tax liens or judgments then failing for credit is rare , especially in this economy. Pretty vague really but you should get a letter telling you why. If not, contact the plant you were denied from and they can get you in touch with access authorization to give you a better answer. The only thing you are entitled to really is a reason why. You aren't going to get much else regarding what the background screener found but it will be kept on record for at least 5 years. Wait for the letter or contact access authorization for your utility. If you tell me the plant I will find the relevant contact.


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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #2 on: Feb 07, 2012, 10:50 »
Thanks Graphic for the info and for your time...your posts on this site are always very helpful!


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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #3 on: Jun 26, 2012, 12:32 »
Anything a company or reference tells background is confidential. Companies already hate giving out information on former employees. If anything they say can simply be told to the employee then we would never get a company to release info (even with your consent form a lot of companies still won't for legal reasons) obviously the consent you fill out covers that. Let's just say a reference said you had a drug issue.. Also confidential. You should get a denial letter in the mail with more information than that. You have the right tO know why you were denied.. But they aren't goin to give you specific conversations etc. failure to list is a common reason people get denied. Any felonies in the past 5 years can lead to almost guaranteed denial. Same thing for multiple misdemeanors. Unless your credit is horrible to the point of multiple tax liens or judgments then failing for credit is rare , especially in this economy. Pretty vague really but you should get a letter telling you why. If not, contact the plant you were denied from and they can get you in touch with access authorization to give you a better answer. The only thing you are entitled to really is a reason why. You aren't going to get much else regarding what the background screener found but it will be kept on record for at least 5 years. Wait for the letter or contact access authorization for your utility. If you tell me the plant I will find the relevant contact.

If you are denied access I would think you would have a right to know why so you could defend against possible defamation that could be falsely based.  If you truly have no idea why it is denied you may need an attorney.  Previous employers are not free to say whatever they feel like and can act anonomously.   I remember once I was at a teaching job and the employer decided something in my background prevented me from staying at my job that they fould after I was hired.  Had I not already was into some other field I would have filed a suit for slander to reveal what the reason was. 


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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #4 on: Dec 31, 2012, 05:35 »
I remember back in 1989 I had completed six months of student-teacher training after quitting my job at the utility to go back to school. I had some trouble in my first-quarter of student teaching but I passed. In my second-quarter of student teaching I passed with flying colors. I also had an "A" average in my student teaching courses.
So I applied for a job and went through the interviews and was hired subject to review my transcripts and references. A couple weeks before school started I was told my offer was rescinded based on something someone said at the first student teaching position. Now everyone involved is first position passed me as a student teacher and had been given recommendations in public. Privately they said something negative so that I didn't get the job. How do you fight a cowardly private comment you have no chance to respond or defend yourself against?
I had a choice at that point to sue the school district and to force coming forth of the unnamed individual who then I would sue for slander. Naturally, unless you have the money to hire an attorney you are out of luck. My response was I attended law school for two years. I didn't graduate law school but I did gain a lot of information which I used many times later in life to defend myself and my family.
If I were in your situation I literally had no idea why my security was denied, whether it was from fully disclosed problems or unknown problems, you do have a right to know because it may be false. I remember once when I was applying for a house loan I was told I had all these liens in my name. They were false. So if the utility simply says something in your background was the basis for denial but refuses to give any further details I would say you'd have an action against utility. I would hope we are beyond the days of Nazi Germany and secret police ruining someone's career secretly.  Now the utility may say if someone gives a negative recommendtion and if they have to disclose the individual that it might deter people from speaking, let it deter people then rather than have a system where you can be slandered with impunity. With the shortage of jobs out there you have to fight for your job and what is right.

Offline QCguy

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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #5 on: Feb 17, 2013, 07:40 »

   See 10CRF26.37

    Good luck,  if you have a denial from one plant you have to disclose it to another I think.

Offline Townzen222

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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 02:33 »
Hello! When you apply for Access at any plant, your background is pulled again, PADS, DUAL, FFD record.  Did you have any problems at the last PLant?  any Arrest's ?  Were you fired from another plant?

and which plant was it?   
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 02:35 by Townzen222 »
Comanche Peak Security.


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I have been denied access to grand gulf, the plant cleared me to get a badge but the contractor said I was a no go, they won't tell me why but I have been here for three weeks, I have been paid for my hours and everything & I'm thinking of going to employee concerns to help with my situation, I mean I have passed FBI background check and everything, I've never been in any trouble & I have one student loan that I'm paying on but other than that I wud say I don't have a bad record but GCA IS GIVIN ME A RAW DEAL & I don't feel bad @ all about putting there name out there, I have put a lot of money on the line to try to make a better living for my chilld and myself but now I have no choice but to go home without stepping foot in the plant. I done all my training on my own with no assistance & u tell me on the 3rd week I'm here that I can't get a badge? How cruel is that, wut can I do?


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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #8 on: Feb 07, 2014, 02:12 »
I'm assuming you got cleared for a badge and the contractor said no? Thy are allowed to say no, it's their business, their rules.
If the plant said no, not much you can do.

Offline booda

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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #9 on: Feb 07, 2014, 03:38 » are entitled to a copy of your file.  I requested a copy of my file once and was given it.  it took up a lot of copy paper and was about 3 inches thick but they supplied it to me. It did contain the questions asked of my references and their answers.  I hope this helps!


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I have been denied access to grand gulf, the plant cleared me to get a badge but the contractor said I was a no go, they won't tell me why but I have been here for three weeks, I have been paid for my hours and everything & I'm thinking of going to employee concerns to help with my situation, I mean I have passed FBI background check and everything, I've never been in any trouble & I have one student loan that I'm paying on but other than that I wud say I don't have a bad record but GCA IS GIVIN ME A RAW DEAL & I don't feel bad @ all about putting there name out there, I have put a lot of money on the line to try to make a better living for my chilld and myself but now I have no choice but to go home without stepping foot in the plant. I done all my training on my own with no assistance & u tell me on the 3rd week I'm here that I can't get a badge? How cruel is that, wut can I do?

Well first you make no sense. If your badge was ready then you weren't denied access obviously. How do you know you were cleared to get a badge? Did the utility itself tell you your badge was ready? If your badge is ready and you never pick it up then they don't even count you as ever having worked at the plant. You wouldn't have any info in PADS regarding having UA, although your information may be in there and any Nantel training would be kept of course. You were there for three weeks maybe the contractor was tired of paying someone to sit around for 3 weeks without being in the plant working. What can you do about it? Nothing. Look for another job is all you can do.


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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #11 on: Feb 07, 2014, 05:40 » are entitled to a copy of your file.  I requested a copy of my file once and was given it.  it took up a lot of copy paper and was about 3 inches thick but they supplied it to me. It did contain the questions asked of my references and their answers.  I hope this helps!

One post and it's wrong. You are entitled to certain parts of your file, such as credit check, but you sure as hell aren't going to get what a reference or past employer tells a background screener. If that were the case why would anyone want to give potentially disqualifying information out knowing that the potential employee could come back and say hey "why'd you go and say this about me". Most of the larger companies only give out dates worked and position hired. A lot of the smaller companies will give out whatever information they have. The consent form you sign basically allows any company to give out whatever information they want on you -- whether or not the company does that is up to them. Read it sometime instead of just signing it.

The background screeners don't even use the references you list, they develop their OWN references from the references you list.

For example, you list John Doe. I call him and I don't really care what he thinks about you.. all I want from him is to know if he knows of 2 more people that can give a reference for you. Most people don't list someone who would give them a bad reference, hence the requirement for the background screeners to develop their own references. 

Offline blackb3lt

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Re: Worked at other plants Denied at this one
« Reply #12 on: Aug 15, 2014, 05:23 »
One post and it's wrong. You are entitled to certain parts of your file, such as credit check, but you sure as hell aren't going to get what a reference or past employer tells a background screener. If that were the case why would anyone want to give potentially disqualifying information out knowing that the potential employee could come back and say hey "why'd you go and say this about me". Most of the larger companies only give out dates worked and position hired. A lot of the smaller companies will give out whatever information they have. The consent form you sign basically allows any company to give out whatever information they want on you -- whether or not the company does that is up to them. Read it sometime instead of just signing it.

The background screeners don't even use the references you list, they develop their OWN references from the references you list.

For example, you list John Doe. I call him and I don't really care what he thinks about you.. all I want from him is to know if he knows of 2 more people that can give a reference for you. Most people don't list someone who would give them a bad reference, hence the requirement for the background screeners to develop their own references. 

There is a specific form to fill out from human resources to request to view your file.  Here at Quad they have 7 business days to meet your request.  You may have a separate file from GCA you could also view.  It sounds like it was an issue with the contractor. 


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