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Author Topic: Starting out in the UK  (Read 7468 times)

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Offline nvynuke86

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Starting out in the UK
« on: Feb 22, 2012, 12:06 »
I apologize for double posting... I posted this in the 'Getting Started' area. I was thinking I would get some more help over here. Thanks.
Hey Everyone,
First I must say I used this board a lot when I first got out of the Navy last year. I was an ELT, then got out and got a job as a Senior Rad Tech, mostly from the advice I found on this board. I am now an RPS, and things are going very well. I wanted to offer that to any nukes about to get out, or recently discharged.
I am now trying to find some info for my new brother in law. My sister met a guy studying in England, and has recently married him. She can't get a job there, and he is looking for something new. I told him, that if he is willing to work, the nuc community will offer a good life (money at least).
He doesn't have any nuke/science background what so ever. I know there are some schools in the US that have an RP training program. Does the UK have anything like that?
I have heard about Radwise, but are they similar to Bartlett? Meaning, do they hire new people and get them trained as a juniors and so on? Are there any companies there that offer something like that?
It would be great if anyone has some advice, or anything I can forward to him.
Thanks in advance

Offline Scenario03

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Re: Starting out in the UK
« Reply #1 on: Apr 28, 2012, 06:15 » in the UK

If you navigate, you'll find the nuke page, then find a page for "nuclear apprentices". There is a video. It basically seems like Navy nuke school, extended to 4 years. 2 years in the classroom, 2 years in a prototype scenario. After the first year, they break you up into mechanics, electricians, and technicians (No way!). It was like deja vu.

Something to look into.


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Re: Starting out in the UK
« Reply #2 on: Apr 28, 2012, 08:37 » in the UK

If you navigate, you'll find the nuke page, then find a page for "nuclear apprentices". There is a video. It basically seems like Navy nuke school, extended to 4 years. 2 years in the classroom, 2 years in a prototype scenario. After the first year, they break you up into mechanics, electricians, and technicians (No way!). It was like deja vu.

Something to look into.

Non quals shouldn't give advice....


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