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Author Topic: Palo Verde Hiring Cycle? AO...  (Read 8897 times)

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Offline RyanPease

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Palo Verde Hiring Cycle? AO...
« on: Feb 28, 2012, 11:58 »
Hey everyone,

I was just curious about whether PVNGS had a hiring "cycle" per se... Is there a season or time when they hire people? I am looking to get into an auxiliary operator position in about three years when my Air Force enlistment is up. Hope I didn't make that sound like I can just slide into a slot b/c I know that I can't (esp since I have 0 nuclear experience). I plan on preparing and studying for the POSS and turning my 2 year mech and electrical degree into a 4 year degree, and hopefully do some more prep. Anywho, I don't want to get out with no job lined up b/c of familial health issues, I need continuity in benefits but I'm tired of military lifestyle. I have been looking to see how often AO jobs are listed at APS and in 4 months I have seen NONE! Is this normal? I grew up around PVNGS and knew lots of operators who loved their jobs and had a great quality of life provided to them and their families and that's kind of what got me into power production in the Air Force. Any suggestions?


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Re: Palo Verde Hiring Cycle? AO...
« Reply #1 on: Feb 28, 2012, 12:04 »
and in 4 months I have seen NONE!

From what I have seen, typically utilities hire operators in relatively large groups because of training limitations. Depending on staffing needs, it may be a few years between hiring cycles. Posting a job opening every two years and hiring a dozen guys may be close to the norm, but I'm sure others will weigh in and adjust that figure.

Offline RyanPease

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Re: Palo Verde Hiring Cycle? AO...
« Reply #2 on: Mar 05, 2012, 09:13 »
Hey thanks for the info. It appears no one else has weighed in so you are probably right on the money!


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Re: Palo Verde Hiring Cycle? AO...
« Reply #3 on: Mar 06, 2012, 07:23 »
Hey thanks for the info. It appears no one else has weighed in so you are probably right on the money!

I'll venture a guess that many haven't weighed in because they believe snowflakes should use the search function more.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Palo Verde Hiring Cycle? AO...
« Reply #4 on: Mar 06, 2012, 08:10 »
I'll venture a guess that many haven't weighed in because they believe snowflakes should use the search function more.

Study and checking the APS website is about all that you can do for now, but in the meantime, click my signature bar and have fun searching! ;)


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Re: Palo Verde Hiring Cycle? AO...
« Reply #5 on: Mar 06, 2012, 09:45 »
Palo Verde posted for an NLO type position back in late December. I remember seeing the ad when I was doing my own job search.

However, I'd say you are a bit early to the game. Just check their site and they should have a way to email you job postings automatically.

Good luck

Offline RyanPease

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Re: Palo Verde Hiring Cycle? AO...
« Reply #6 on: Mar 07, 2012, 05:07 »
You are probably partially correct broad, I used it... a lot... but probably not typing in the right stuff. Nothing wrong with adding to the content of this forum for more specific questions though.  ;) I am also asking these ?'s right now b/c I have been dealing with a lot of dr's for gastrointestinal problems and could possibly get the blue falcon from the AF. So, if there is even the slightest chance I could be out in a matter of months, I want to know my options. I got a family to feed and clothe. But I already found content about being medically discharged and working in nuke biz (I used the search function ;D) so that doesn't pertain to this post. Thanks for all the helpful info folks, I will definitely wait to see what my med results say and if they say see ya I will get the job postings emailed to me.


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