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Offline jeff7954

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I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« on: Apr 10, 2012, 08:58 »
I recently graduated from Michigan Institute of Aviation and Technology from the Power Technology Program.  I graduated with an 4.0, the education I received taught me the disciplines in Wind Turbine Technology, Gas Turbine Power Generation, Diesel Power Generation and Power Plant Operator. I have not taken the Niulpe test yet as I just graduated on 4/2/12. I did have an interview with Exelon yesterday and it seemed to go well. The interviewer asked me if I had ever applied for unescorted access to a Nuclear Facility? I explained to her that I do have my TWIC card. Here are my questions.  1) In 2007 I was charged with an impaired and in 2008 a reckless driving, will this disqualify me from gaining UA? 2) Will Exelon automatically do what it takes to get me UA or should I do something to get the ball rolling?  3) Is having the TWIC card a good start at getting UA?

Any Information will be much appreciated!


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Re: I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« Reply #1 on: Apr 10, 2012, 10:26 »
Self disclosure is the all-important part of this.  You telling Exelon about this, upfront, is a sign of your integrity.  Integrity is one of, if not THE defining statement, for everything we do.  Everything starts there.  If you didn't, well I think you can finish that picture.

As far as the timeframe, I think the previous 5 years is what is looked at most.  some of the more seasoned members will certainly chime in with more than my "I think" statement.

Remember that this is YOU wanting a job.  YOU need to take initiative and do what YOU can to make yourself more marketable.  Hopefully YOU take notice of the emphasis.

Good luck and hopefully this helps out, even if it is a small amount. 


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Re: I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« Reply #2 on: Apr 10, 2012, 08:01 »
There is nothing for you to do but fully disclose. You cannot get the ball rolling and just so you know this, they won't do anything special to get you UA. They either decide or they don't and to be quite truthful you're a dime a dozen.  If it were me I'd hire the guy with the 3.6 who managed to obey the law. 

Offline jeff7954

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Re: I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« Reply #3 on: Apr 11, 2012, 08:00 »
Part of my question was "is having a TWIC card a good start at getting UA"  I totally understand the importance of having UA and gaining access to a nuclear facility. I also understand that I have issues in my past that "might" limit that. I am trying to make a decision as to what direction, I should direct my attention. I did have an interview that seemed to go well. I did graduate with a 4.0 not a 3.6 and, I am taking responsibility for my past. If I should pump gas or flip burgers for the rest of my life because, I was not perfect so be it. Can anyone give me a straight answer?

Offline Starkist

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Re: I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« Reply #4 on: Apr 11, 2012, 09:14 »
Part of my question was "is having a TWIC card a good start at getting UA"  I totally understand the importance of having UA and gaining access to a nuclear facility. I also understand that I have issues in my past that "might" limit that. I am trying to make a decision as to what direction, I should direct my attention. I did have an interview that seemed to go well. I did graduate with a 4.0 not a 3.6 and, I am taking responsibility for my past. If I should pump gas or flip burgers for the rest of my life because, I was not perfect so be it. Can anyone give me a straight answer?

Having any prior security clearance from anything other then a civilian nuclear plant will have no bearing on your ability to get access at a power plant.

There is nothing for you to do, each site has its own criteria for UA, and from what I can gather Exelon is one of the more "picky" utilities of the bunch.  You can't get a "jump start" on getting UA, and they wont know anything until they hire you and you sign the paper work allowing them to do their background checks.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« Reply #5 on: Apr 11, 2012, 09:35 »
  1) In 2007 I was charged with an impaired and in 2008 a reckless driving, will this disqualify me from gaining UA?

A similar situation answered here:,34521.msg160239.html#msg160239

Offline OldHP

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Re: I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« Reply #6 on: Apr 11, 2012, 10:46 »
Part of my question was "is having a TWIC card a good start at getting UA"  I totally understand the importance of having UA and gaining access to a nuclear facility. I also understand that I have issues in my past that "might" limit that.  Can anyone give me a straight answer

A lot of folks will give you a 'what it appears' or 'what I think' answer!  Look for the posting by Graphic, the SME, 'that' will be the straight answer that you are asking for.

At the present time he is very busy and does not respond immediately!
Humor is a wonderful way to prevent hardening of the attitudes! unknown
The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. Regan


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Re: I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« Reply #7 on: Apr 12, 2012, 09:29 »
Part of my question was "is having a TWIC card a good start at getting UA"  I totally understand the importance of having UA and gaining access to a nuclear facility. I also understand that I have issues in my past that "might" limit that. I am trying to make a decision as to what direction, I should direct my attention. I did have an interview that seemed to go well. I did graduate with a 4.0 not a 3.6 and, I am taking responsibility for my past. If I should pump gas or flip burgers for the rest of my life because, I was not perfect so be it. Can anyone give me a straight answer?

LOL hey man. I read your PM. I'll reply later. Yep I saw your Uncle play!!! Small world isn't it?

Offline twinkletoni

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Re: I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« Reply #8 on: Apr 14, 2012, 07:14 »
Tell them everything.  I work at a DOE site and am required to hold an L Clearance.  Some of the guys that were hired with me had credit problems, a bankruptcy, a drug charge and various traffic violations.  They disclosed this information and maybe the clearances took a while to investigate but they were all cleared.  The key is not to repeat and if something does happen afterwards, disclose as soon as possible. 

Best of luck (I've heard that Excelon is an excellent company to work for),

Offline jeff7954

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Re: I had a phone interview with Exelon yesterday.
« Reply #9 on: Apr 15, 2012, 09:48 »
I appreciate the input Toni!


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