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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #25 on: Sep 01, 2012, 12:33 »
HydroDave, I understand that these past 2.5 years have been a lost investment to the tax payers and myself. I had planned to stay in make E7 and get out and start a real life. What I know I dont have the experience. What Ive been looking for is advice on how to use what I have and make a better situation out of it. I know full well there are better qualified people for commercial nuke jobs but im looking for someplace to start fresh. I fought to stay in this program after having skin cancer. Then i get the news after finishing having orders to the Lincoln that im getting denuked cause i twitch when i sleep and have sleep apnea. I had my life planned out and then it all came crashing down. Im looking to start over with the skills and soon the degree so that these past years havent been a complete loss.

BTW I understand your predicament. I was there myself. I broke both my elbows just before my 5 year point. It literally literally sucks to have something you worked hard for ripped away like that and I have NO doubts you worked hard, otherwise you wouldn't be upset. One bit of advice, do not listen to anyone in the Navy world tell you what it takes or does not take to be a nuke in the civilian world. I have known only one guy qualified to do that and he was an officer who got out, became an SRO, then after being an SRO for 4 years went back into the Navy. Otherwise NO ONE KNOWS!! Do not lie on an application, that will get you nowhere and will not further your agenda of getting a job. Also, if one utility turns you down do not fret, try others, outside of the NRC requirements for not being medically eligible the utilities vary all over the map. Start your job search now.
It is so much easier than it was when I got out in 1990 because of the internet. ,I obtained a list of all Utility Reactors from the NRC.
I then used a standard and poors to research their corporate structure. I also made a list based on location, type of reactor and age of the plant.
In the end I combined those lists into a ranking of where I seriously wanted to target for jobs. (BTW the plant I chose was not in my original top 15 as it was a BWR and I had no experience with them, in the end it made sense for me and my family to go there and I am very happy I did so as it was a great choice)

Regardless of the ranking of the plant I sent resumes to the following people of each utility.
CEO, Nuclear Sr VP (If they had one) Plant VP, Plant Manager (If listed) And Ops Manager (if listed) The reason I chose the higher ups was a simple trick the guys who taught the Getting Out Of the Navy School gave me. If you send a resume to the highest level of management they might not read it BUT they will forward it to HR from their office. HR sees that, they think he might know you so it might at least get your resume seen.

The results were 13 Job Interviews, 13 Offers (15 Including the Chem Tech Jobs I interviewed for)

The important thing for you is you have a plan and you stick to it.

Offline gogamecocks

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #26 on: Sep 01, 2012, 01:23 »
Broadzilla, that is an awesome tip! I will use that.  :)

Obviously, you have to mention you were in the Navy and the training may be useful. Just explain your situation. Weird things are happening in the Navy now. It's extremely easy to get recommended for a med. board these days even for Nukes. Wacky things are happening that defy logic. (i.e. they are downsizing and do not have enough people to man sea billets, yet they keep downsizing).

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #27 on: Sep 01, 2012, 03:12 »
1: Broadzilla is not a SHE.

It's three she's  [devious]

2: Broadzilla has been a Shift Manager at both a BWR 4 and a 4 Loop Westinghouse PWR. Hardly an idiot.

...and though a major league curmudgeon, has helped many prospective new hires over the years on this site.

3: In an exit meeting after our recent force on force drill the NRC told my plant management I am probably the sharpest SRO in the country. Hardly an idiot.

Modesty is a flaw in BZs world, but at this point in his career what's the point.

4: I do hire people. I think I know...

What he said, but then he is only one voice in many, there are other opinions and other careers other than Operations.

   For those who want helpful information BZ is a very good source, but if you are researching work BZ is only one point of view (albeit a good one) there are many others. Recruiters do actively seek out ex nukes as they are much easier to place in a variety of careers.

« Last Edit: Sep 01, 2012, 03:15 by Marlin »

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #28 on: Sep 01, 2012, 03:27 »
....(i.e. they are downsizing and do not have enough people to man sea billets, yet they keep downsizing).

winnowing the chaff,...

.....Weird things are happening in the Navy now.....Wacky things are happening that defy logic....

You can't fix the Navy, it's not broke.


been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #29 on: Sep 01, 2012, 03:31 »
Kalel, please check your PMs.

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #30 on: Sep 01, 2012, 03:51 »
1: Broadzilla is not a SHE.

2: Broadzilla has been a Shift Manager at both a BWR 4 and a 4 Loop Westinghouse PWR. Hardly an idiot.

3: In an exit meeting after our recent force on force drill the NRC told my plant management I am probably the sharpest SRO in the country. Hardly an idiot.

4: I do hire people. I think I know...

gogamecocks, your husband is an exception :) Quite simply in my 22 years commercial I have found zero difference between Navy Nukes and Non Navy Nukes.What bothers many is the Navy sense of entitlement. They haven't operated real reactors yet, they've played with tinker toys yet believe they are architects. It's getting worse because the Navy standards have slipped considerably whereas the civilian standards have gone up immensely. There are exceptions of course as a good operator is a good operator regardless of the background. There is also a huge difference in your husbands experience and that of the original poster. He in fact has none.

They haven't seen me yet. :P
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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #31 on: Sep 01, 2012, 04:59 »

They haven't seen me yet. :P

That could be a plus. You still have time to hide.....  [coffee]

Offline Kalel0419

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #32 on: Sep 01, 2012, 08:12 »
Thank you Higgs, GWL and HydroDave for the advice in the PMs

Offline GLW

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #33 on: Sep 01, 2012, 08:45 »
Thank you Higgs, GWL and HydroDave for the advice in the PMs

ur welcome, and it's GLW,... ;)

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline DontGoToNPTU

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #34 on: Sep 01, 2012, 09:46 »
Now if it's not an Officer or a Chief, they are worthless.

I don't know about 20 years ago when you were in BZ but officers now a days are 90% retarded. Ever seen the tubedaze videos? The officers in those videos are robots and that's not too far from the truth. Robots are great as long as nothing breaks but as soon as something breaks so does the officer's ability to react. Chiefs!? Really?

I have more, but I hope you get the point by now. The people they select to chief now a days are almost always the ones who are the worst at their job. They don't want intelligent people as chiefs, they want robots that they can program to do what they want.

edited by GC
« Last Edit: Sep 03, 2012, 11:07 by Gamecock »

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #35 on: Sep 02, 2012, 01:31 »
I don't know about 20 years ago when you were in BZ but officers now a days are 90% retarded. Ever seen the tubedaze videos? The officers in those videos are robots and that's not too far from the truth. Robots are great as long as nothing breaks but as soon as something breaks so does the officer's ability to react. Chiefs!? Really? .....

I have more, but I hope you get the point by now. The people they select to chief now a days are almost always the ones who are the worst at their job. They don't want intelligent people as chiefs, they want robots that they can program to do what they want.
Aren't you a retired first class?
« Last Edit: Sep 03, 2012, 11:12 by Gamecock »

Offline DontGoToNPTU

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #36 on: Sep 02, 2012, 08:41 »
I seperate in 6 months, so no.
« Last Edit: Sep 02, 2012, 09:28 by DontGoToNPTU »

Offline GLW

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #37 on: Sep 02, 2012, 10:10 »
I seperate in 6 months, so no.

no,, you're not,...

nobody seperates,...

seperate is not a word,...separate is though,...

even the weak spell checker on this forum recognizes that,...

the more correct response would have been along the lines of;

"No, I will separate from the Navy after about 11 years of service in 6 months or so.",34739.msg162026.html#msg162026

I'm just saying,... [coffee]


been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #38 on: Sep 03, 2012, 01:39 »
Hey Kalel0419, 

First off thank you for your service!


I Agree

           Individuals used to get hired based on experience, qualifications, training, and education.  You will find out in the astonishing “Nuke World,” getting a job is completely based on politics.  The primary concern of an employer should be “how can the applicant make my company better?”  Now, the hiring process is based on “how can the applicant shield and protect my job?”  Your military experience and education is far above the standard applicant. 

I Agree that a Navy Nuke has a good Nuclear Fundamentals background.  Beyond that they ususally are not as good as a decon tech due to having knowledge of the plant and systems where they are working and knowledge and understanding of the terminology for the individual plant.

Broadzilla made the statement:
 “Incorrect, not by a long shot. Your Navy with no experience means zero. I'd prefer a burger king manager with an associates in Math.  Pretty much Navy Nuclear power doesn't have the pull it used to. The program is weak. Better candidates are available off the street. IIRC in our last class we hired maybe 1 Navy nuke.

Clearly Broadzilla is an idiot!  I guarantee a three year-old with a box of crayons could do her job.                     

Since you do not have knowledge of Broadzilla or his background I am not sure what you basis is for your statement "Clearly Broadzilla is an idiot!  I guarantee a three year-old with a box of crayons could do her job."

I suspect the comment itself will help determine who is the idiot on this particular subject.

          I was a Chemical-Biological specialist in the Army.  I was also medically discharged.  Speaking from personal experience, I have found that it's better not to list your military service on your resume, especially if you are given a disability rating.  It never fails employers will automatically think it’s psychological.  Focus on your degree in Nuclear Science.                     

I am sorry for your situation with the medical discharge.  There is never a valid excuse for not being honest and upfront about your career and situation.  Trying to avoid or cover up the truth will ususally get you in a worse situation that full disclosure.  These are firing offenses with many companies.

Having trained many licensed operators in my career as a training instructor, I was recently one of the instructors for a class with about half being former Navy Nukes.  The guys that are Retired Chief's or Senior Chief's are pretty sharp guys.  They have the skills to become good commercial operators and supervisors given time to gain the experience it takes to perform at these levels.  The six and out guys (with one exception) have been led to believe they are the best thing since sliced bread and have the knowledge to run a commercial nuclear plant while most have not been willing to put forth the effort to get through license school without being babied and hand fed.  The one exception is a guy that made up his mind that he would do what ever it takes to become as knowledgable as he possably could and went in the plant on his on to try to learn how the systems work and get every bit of information he could learn from the operators with plant experience (he is going to make a Great Operator).

I encourage the OP to get every bit of education he can and never give up.  At the same time don't assume that you have this great wealth of knowledge that will qualify you to be an operator in a commercial nuclear plant.  If you want it you may have to start at the bottom and work your way up but most of the BEST got it this way.

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #39 on: Sep 03, 2012, 11:39 »
Broadzilla, I have been reading the forums for a while and I notice the common theme with you and the ex-navy nuke.  Is this because of the average attitude of the ex-navy nuke?  They have been told for years that they are the cream of the crop in the Navy and for a lot of us it tends to give us a sense of being more important that we really are.  In the event that a nuke was to walk into your plant with the attitude that they have a lot of hard work to put in and are willing to do that would it make them different in your eyes?  I only ask because I have an upcoming interview for a Unit Supervisor position.  I am recently out of the Navy and I want this very much.  I am willing to work as hard as I can to achieve this license.  I know that I don't have experience in a commercial nuclear plant, and I know that it is different than what I have seen.

If you were conducting an interview and you knew that your applicant was ex-navy what could he do to improve your immediate view on him?  I want to give the interviewing people the impression that I want to work hard and I want to be the best nuclear operator I can be.  I actually appreciate your extra hard view against navy nukes.  It is teaching me what I need to overcome to be better.


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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #40 on: Sep 04, 2012, 12:48 »

You defiantly have the right mind-set starting off! ;)  Good luck on the Unit Supervisor Position.   

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #41 on: Sep 04, 2012, 07:03 »

You defiantly have the right mind-set starting off! ;)  Good luck on the Unit Supervisor Position.   

Didn't seem too defiant to me!  Definitely!  8)
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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #42 on: Sep 04, 2012, 09:53 »
BZ had one of the best pieces of advice given here.  Have a plan, and even a backup plan, and stick to it.

Positive attitude and hard work can get you way ahead.  "No experience" means no operational experience.  Learning book side is one thing, actually applying it to safe and efficient/effective operations is an entirely different thing.  In 20 years I saw numerous guys/gals that were book smart but couldn't stand watch to save their life.  On the flip side I saw folks struggle and barely get through the pipeline end up being outstanding operators and/or maintenance personnel.

Make the decision to pursue a goal and set your mind to overcoming the obstacles in your way.

Best of luck to you and thank you for volunteering!


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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #43 on: Sep 05, 2012, 10:05 »
Broadzilla, I have been reading the forums for a while and I notice the common theme with you and the ex-navy nuke.  Is this because of the average attitude of the ex-navy nuke?  They have been told for years that they are the cream of the crop in the Navy and for a lot of us it tends to give us a sense of being more important that we really are.  In the event that a nuke was to walk into your plant with the attitude that they have a lot of hard work to put in and are willing to do that would it make them different in your eyes?  I only ask because I have an upcoming interview for a Unit Supervisor position.  I am recently out of the Navy and I want this very much.  I am willing to work as hard as I can to achieve this license.  I know that I don't have experience in a commercial nuclear plant, and I know that it is different than what I have seen.

If you were conducting an interview and you knew that your applicant was ex-navy what could he do to improve your immediate view on him?  I want to give the interviewing people the impression that I want to work hard and I want to be the best nuclear operator I can be.  I actually appreciate your extra hard view against navy nukes.  It is teaching me what I need to overcome to be better.

Attitude, leave the I am holier than Non Navy Nukes and I am the cream of the crop attitude at your house. Quite simply you aren't even close. As much crap as I give Navy Nukes I can attest there are more than a handful of Ex Navy NUkeworker Nukes that I have assisted in their search for a job, and once in the civilian world I keep a close eye on them them so they know I can always help!

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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #44 on: Sep 05, 2012, 11:52 »
Attitude, leave the I am holier than Non Navy Nukes and I am the cream of the crop attitude at your house. Quite simply you aren't even close. As much crap as I give Navy Nukes I can attest there are more than a handful of Ex Navy NUkeworker Nukes that I have assisted in their search for a job, and once in the civilian world I keep a close eye on them them so they know I can always help!

But... But I was told by my commander when I entered nuke A school that I WAS the cream of the crop! Why shouldn't I believe him?
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Re: Pending Medical Discharge
« Reply #45 on: Sep 05, 2012, 01:10 »
But... But I was told by my commander when I entered nuke A school that I WAS the cream of the crop! Why shouldn't I believe him?

"Crap and cream both float, son......"


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