HydroDave, I understand that these past 2.5 years have been a lost investment to the tax payers and myself. I had planned to stay in make E7 and get out and start a real life. What I know I dont have the experience. What Ive been looking for is advice on how to use what I have and make a better situation out of it. I know full well there are better qualified people for commercial nuke jobs but im looking for someplace to start fresh. I fought to stay in this program after having skin cancer. Then i get the news after finishing having orders to the Lincoln that im getting denuked cause i twitch when i sleep and have sleep apnea. I had my life planned out and then it all came crashing down. Im looking to start over with the skills and soon the degree so that these past years havent been a complete loss.
BTW I understand your predicament. I was there myself. I broke both my elbows just before my 5 year point. It literally literally sucks to have something you worked hard for ripped away like that and I have NO doubts you worked hard, otherwise you wouldn't be upset. One bit of advice, do not listen to anyone in the Navy world tell you what it takes or does not take to be a nuke in the civilian world. I have known only one guy qualified to do that and he was an officer who got out, became an SRO, then after being an SRO for 4 years went back into the Navy. Otherwise NO ONE KNOWS!! Do not lie on an application, that will get you nowhere and will not further your agenda of getting a job. Also, if one utility turns you down do not fret, try others, outside of the NRC requirements for not being medically eligible the utilities vary all over the map. Start your job search now.
It is so much easier than it was when I got out in 1990 because of the internet. ,I obtained a list of all Utility Reactors from the NRC.
I then used a standard and poors to research their corporate structure. I also made a list based on location, type of reactor and age of the plant.
In the end I combined those lists into a ranking of where I seriously wanted to target for jobs. (BTW the plant I chose was not in my original top 15 as it was a BWR and I had no experience with them, in the end it made sense for me and my family to go there and I am very happy I did so as it was a great choice)
Regardless of the ranking of the plant I sent resumes to the following people of each utility.
CEO, Nuclear Sr VP (If they had one) Plant VP, Plant Manager (If listed) And Ops Manager (if listed) The reason I chose the higher ups was a simple trick the guys who taught the Getting Out Of the Navy School gave me. If you send a resume to the highest level of management they might not read it BUT they will forward it to HR from their office. HR sees that, they think he might know you so it might at least get your resume seen.
The results were 13 Job Interviews, 13 Offers (15 Including the Chem Tech Jobs I interviewed for)
The important thing for you is you have a plan and you stick to it.