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Author Topic: Getting "official" termination documentation. I was given ONLY "verbal" reasons  (Read 35604 times)

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Hey everyone, what's shakin'? So, who's "behind" do I have to "light on fire" to get an official copy of why I was "generally" terminated at D-B during in-processing this past fall? I was told (verbally ONLY) by D-B security (a Mr. J.V.) that it was NOT a "denial of access" situation. He said it's "a stop-the-proccess" situation. I want to call some various company higher-ups to get more specific advice, but I can't simply tell these people what was verbally's only how do I know if I'm being 100% accurate without the "written" word? (I smell another "potential" trap on the horizon) I welcome ANY and ALL advice at this point. You may email me privately if you so desire. Thanks much.  - Mike "Snake" Shaffer.     btw: Yo Graphic, any help you could provide to me about this would be greatly appreciated!


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I see this thread is a virtual "hot potato" one's willing to put their "money where their mouth is"...I actually expected this result. Well, I suppose it's off to D.C. to "rattle a cage or two" I have nothing to's already gone. Wish me luck.  - Snake.


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Hey Broadzilla, my POINT exactly. You couldn't have summed it up better. - Snake.  ;)


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Call the company that had hired you, Bartlett, Atlantic or whatever and ask them if you are employable. You're reason for termination would have been communicated to them.


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Thanks much IPREGEN, I have been emailed some upper management contacts at the company which was involved in this disappointing "mess". I had some of my recent posts removed yesterday...I was only describing the timeline of events as they occurred. I wasn't trying to offend anyone, or point fingers (in a negative way) but it's apparent now...I had done so.  :(  Anyway, to those individuals whom were "offended" by my posts on 3/20...I sincerely apologize.  :-[  You have to put yourself in my shoes to really get a grasp on how this situation makes me feel.  :'(  All I seek is the written documentation...and some accurate guidance on what to do next. Nuke power (et al) is all about precise detail(s) and 110% accuracy. I'm simply trying to live up to that high standard. Period.  - Snake.  :)

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I had some of my recent posts removed yesterday...I was only describing the timeline of events as they occurred. I wasn't trying to offend anyone, or point fingers (in a negative way) but it's apparent now...I had done so.  :(  Anyway, to those individuals whom were "offended" by my posts on 3/20...I sincerely apologize.  :-[  You have to put yourself in my shoes to really get a grasp on how this situation makes me feel.  :'(

I deleted them for being off topic.  You posted your story on some one else's question/post, and it had nothing to do with his question, and there was no answer for HIM in your post.  That's great, but that was not the appropriate place to post it, you already had posted your story HERE.  THIS the the proper place.  Re-posting your issue on everyone else's post isn't the answer.

This however is YOUR thread, pretty much anything you post here is on topic.  If john Doe starts to litter YOUR post with his issues, I'll delete his posts so that this post can stay on topic.  Which is YOUR issue.

Summary: I deleted your posts because they were in the wrong place.
« Last Edit: Mar 21, 2012, 10:57 by Rennhack »


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Rennhack, I  understand your rationale for the deletion. The topic(s) in question were dealing with derogatory background info., and the disparaties (in policy) that exist NOW between nuke plants. I believe that going to these "corporate management companies" instead of public utilities, has unleashed a "harbinger of doom" on individuals with negative past, or present "infractions" attached to them. (i.e. FFD, criminal history, FICO, etc.) I have been in private communication with multiple techs about this very issue. I'm hearing the stories of how a past DUI or FFD, which was dealt with back then, has come back to haunt and hurt!! Summary: The proliferation of corporate P.C. policy (in nuke power) has now excluded "old guard" techs, etc. from gainful employment. (or at best...made it sporadic on who will be granted UA) To add insult to injury, the "corporate utilities" of today won't even TRY to assist a person in getting the "issue" resolved. (especially a contractor) They just spout off their rhetoric about how "it's our policy at OUR can work elsewhere?!" Yeah...right. (sarcasm) How exactly? If your denied...your denied. Period. The writing is on the wall people. The commercial industry (apparently) wants only workers with "virginal-puritanical" lifestyles and backgrounds!! (Food for thought: "Grandfathering") Hey, seems kinda "plain vanilla" to me. Hell...what do I know? I'm just a f*ck-up...according to the "new-and-improved" nuclear power industry.  ::) So sad...but SO true. Keep it real and watch yer backs.  - Snake.  ;)   

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Summary: I deleted your posts because they were in the wrong place.

Why then, are other posts deemed to be in the wrong place simply relocated and the relocation is announced publically? Deletion of a post without an explanation leads the author of the post to come to his/her own conclusion as to why the post was deleted; conclusions that may be inaccurate and create hard feelings unnecessarily.
« Last Edit: Mar 22, 2012, 04:14 by Safety Matt »

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Why then, are other posts deemed to be in the wrong place simply relocated and the relocation is announced publically? Deletion of a post without an explanation leads the author of the post to come to his/her own conclusion as to why the post was deleted; conclusions that may be inaccurate and create hard feelings unnecessarily.

He isn't being singled out. Many of us have had off-topic posts removed (and rightly so.) Posts that are relocated are usually of some use on their own and just belong somewhere else to live on as another topic. Some comments just are there for no reason other than a bit of (often misplaced) humor or the desire to take a shot at some perceived target.

Sort of like the last couple of posts on this topic...  :D
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

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Sorry I haven't had much time to check my email lately.. nevertheless Nukeworker. Outage hours are killer as everyone knows.

I really can't give you an exact answer to your question as I don't really have any details. I mean what did they tell you the reason to stop processing was? Not getting denied is way better than being denied. Typically once they start the process they have to complete it. So in your case they must have looked at your PHQ and decided that you wouldn't meet their requirements and decided not to process you (my theory). Some sites actually will do that.. which is good for the applicant because then he/she doesn't have a denial on record. Other than that I don't really know how to help. Your best bet is to contact corporate security/access authorization for the plant you were denied at. Each plant has an access supervisor but they also have people over them that are typically at other plants or areas in the country. For example, FPL plants have access supervisors at each plant.. but the guy in charge of all of them is located at Juno Beach. So it just varies with each utility. Since everything is confidential it is pretty hard to get answers unless you are that person or are deemed to be privy to that information.

If you weren't denied though there will not be any information in pads. If you try to apply at another plant I wouldn't put that I was denied.. I would simply put that I never finished in-processing. That's where you need to be cautious and make sure it wasn't a denial though because if it was and you don't list it as a denial.. well then you will get denied for failure to list. Lots of rules but that's the nuke world for you.

Goodluck let me know if you figure anything out.


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Good call Graphic. I am okay with what happened to me this past September. I hold no grudges, or "ill will" towards anyone. It is crystal clear that each plant(s) "owner/management company" can put in place more restrictive policies (i.e. FFD) than what's listed in 10CFR26 part 69. This is apparently what happened to me. I was approved/confirmed for this outage in June 2011. I was assured by the contract company that my FFD (preemployment) failure from 3/2006, would be irrelevant because it was > 5 years old. (NEI self disclosure forms (current REV) backs that statement up 100%. (3 choices of how to answer the questions: 1.) "Since your 18th birthday" OR 2.) "Since your last [successful] granting of UA" OR 3.) "WITHIN the last 5 years". WHICHEVER PERIOD OF TIME IS THE SHORTEST. I chose to answer the questions using choice #3...because it fit my situation. I even had a full SAP (substance abuse professional) assessment completed. I was given a release letter which stated that I was open AND forthcoming, passed all testing/screenings, and was told that no further treatment was required at the present time. (He noted that I had a history...which was already known, and dealt with. I had been granted UA SINCE those two non-nuclear related "infractions" occurred. I also provided [him] all documents from the utility that denied me UA (in 2006) I endured my 3 year required. I think what screwed me (this past fall) was the "after thought" from the SAP. He also added that "based on the sensitivity of the field (nuclear) of which you seek to reenter, I recommend adult education classes AND an 18 month to 2 year "monitoring" of unannounced urinalysis testing/screening." Huh? Wha?! He didn't tell me to NOT go to the outage. I even asked him to explain his letter [to me] because it was essentially saying one thing in the first paragraph (ready to go with flying colors)...then another in the second part (needs more classes, etc.) He said if the plant's people need further info. to call him. (I took this as a "green light" to get back my career in nuke power) Obviously...he did not have my back. I was "thrown under the bus" to speak. I was highly upset with this guy (the SAP)...and rightfully so. I QUIT a job to go to this outage. I came back home to try and get the job I had back, but my position was already filled. Aw...nuts! Anyway, all this confusion could have been avoided if 1.) The contract company ASKED the utility IF my assessment letter would be accepted (OR NOT) BEFORE I reported on-site, AND 2.) The SAP should have been more direct with me by saying, "Mike, I want you to take these classes, etc. FIRST...THEN I will "back your play" to reenter the nuclear/HP/RP field. See what happens when you get "faulty" assurances? Once bitten, twice shy comes to mind right about now. I will get these classes done, but up to two years of random testing? Can a person work while doing this, or am I going to have to wait until 2014 to reenter the field?! (God I hope not) In reality, I would be automatically enrolled [under 10CFR26 part 69's guidlines] to be observed (through the CBOP) at a higher frequency AND to be randomly tested more often (while badged for UA) for a period of 5 years! (starting with my FIRST outage since the FFD violation) IT'S A PRE-REQUISITE TO GET BACK IN!! Any comments, advice? Feel free to contact me privately. Keep yer "eyez on the prize" people.  - Snake.

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highradsnake, am i reading this write?  that your sap wrote you a letter with paragraph one saying you were ok as far as his assessment and another parpagraph in which he recommended the 18-24 month period of classes and monitoring?  because if that's the case, you should have taken those classes and monitoring while sitting out for 3 years.  he covered his ass re: you by his letter and gave you what he could to get you out his door for the fee.  I imagine he probably had a fee in mind (teaching that class) and new someone (girl friend, otherwise known as a jr. sap ) who had a fee in mind (unannounced monitoring) for the balance of the 3 years. 
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Hey SloGlo, yeah...I feel ya. Me thinks he (the SAP) wanted to ride the "gravy train" at my expense too.  :o   The SAP's "recommendation" was because of the TYPE of industry I was attempting to reenter. It was not based on my ability to follow FFD policy, or any indications of underlying abuse, etc. In essence, he's saying that I can be employed in any other field (which implements a drug/alcohol free workplace policy) EXCEPT NUCLEAR POWER!! I am starting to wonder if he's an anti-nuclear "NIMBY" eco-nut!  :-\  Hmmm...maybe I should have checked him out BEFORE I handed him $300+ for an assessment that does nothing more than give conflicting info., eh?  :-\  The reason I could not do the assessment between 2006 and 2011 is that the 3 year ban ended 3/2009...which would have been doable then, but unfortunately, I had been involved in a severe auto accident. (10/2008)  :(  I wasn't fully released to return to work until Jan. 2011.  ;D  I had the assessment done in the summer of 2011. Again, I asked him to explain his motives for writing such a letter, and he said it shouldn't be an issue with the utility...and if it was being questioned, to have the security dept. call him for further clarification. Now, how would YOU take that explanation?  :-\  I called an atty. last week...he said the SAP may have violated my civil rights by "singling me out" from work in the nuke industry, but documents that I'm "clean and sober" enough for any OTHER "safety oriented" jobs w/FFD policies in play.  >:(  That's messed the hell up...Ya think?!  >:(  I'll catch ya later 'Glo.   - Snake.  8)   P.S. - "Big Shaffe" AKA "Flappy" is doin' well...he nods off more than usual. (like Grandpa Simpson?)  ;D    (disclaimer: my humor is my own, and may not necessarily be in line with and it's clientele)  :-X            
« Last Edit: Mar 27, 2012, 08:33 by Nuclear NASCAR »


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Here's the latest...I've got some true blue friends on the inside, trying to get to the heart of the matter. [through PADS, etc.]  ;)  I love these individuals.  :-*  Why? They KNOW the REAL me...they know that I NEVER, EVER had any substance usages. (which caused the preemployment FFD in 2006)  ::)  I am glad to know that someone [out there] cares enough to help me reenter the nuke field. I swear on my mother's soul, that I will run in the other direction from those who COULD put my career AND integrity at risk. (i.e. - strangers, even an ex-girlfriend's "vindictive" daughter?)  ::)  :)  Amen to that!! I'll keep on "doin' the do" until this gets straightened out FOR GOOD!! Peace to all of yinz.  ;)   - Snake  8)


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What's shakin' peoples?  ;)  I am also preparing for a plan "B" wise. I should be eligible to get a student loan to get my CDL for tri-axles. My neighbor is a big boss at an agregate facility. He said the company is hurting BADLY for qualified CDL drivers. He also suggested that I also get my hazardous, and tanker endorsements. (i.e. -for hydraulic fracturing water hauling) He knows me VERY well...and is willing to vouch for me.  ;)  I better make damn sure that I keep things on the "straight and narrow" from now on...Why? He's an "old school" Spec. Ops. Recon. Marine! (Vietnam)  :-X  He has the "skills" to make me "disappear" if I make HIM look bad. Ya think?! Ahhh...finally. Things are starting to unfold for me in a positive way.  :)  Amen!  - Snake.  8)


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Hey there peoples, I know this may be off topic, but I was in New Kensington, PA this morning...getting some paperwork filed. When I was leaving, some older lady stopped and asked me, "Where can I go in this town for some fun, and companionship?"  :o  [She was driving a newer mint green BMW...worth about 70K, and dressed very well with Jackie O style sunglasses]  ;)  I told her that I didn't know...I'm not from New Ken. area. My dad thinks she was "lookin' for a boytoy...and she saw me!  :P  Dammit...I coulda had me a "sugar momma".  :(  Oh, well...I musta been "off-my-game" this mornin'.  :(  (I was waiting for someone to say..."Your on candid camera!")  ;D  Keep it real out there!  - Snake.  8)


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Hey there all yinz "in 'da biz", I'm changing careers...permanently. I was just hired at a local auto repair shop yesterday. The owner loves my "shadetree" mechanical skills. He also said I get a full (paid) benefits package, AND he will send me to school (for free) to acquire my ASE certification, inspection/emission my advanced inspection endorsement. (for reconstructed/customized vehicles) The shop is also less than 2 miles from my home! Awesome! I really enjoyed my time as an HP/RP tech. It's too damn bad that the industry "regulations" have become so nitpicking critical that it's almost impossible to know which plant will take you, and which ones won't!! (I thought there was once a term called...standardization?) Not anymore...apparently. I want to thank all the people I've met throughout the years. You guys (and gals) are the best...I will NEVER forget who yinz are, and what you've done for me. Kudos! Please keep in touch if you so desire. I'll be okay. I've come to a "crossroads in life"...time for me to venture elsewhere. God speed to yinz all.  Sincerely,  Michael T. Shaffer. "Snake"    P.S. - I did a little celebrating last night (responsibly) and I met a really cute 36 yr old Italian girl. We have our first date tonight. Woohoo!


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Just some insight. My brother, who has every substance abuse problem imaginable, could have wrote every one of your posts nearly word for word. Found it interesting you obtained your new career (Congrats BTW I do hope you do well, just hope you never work on one of my vehicles) then went out to celebrate and felt you had to post the word responsibly. I submit a guy who had to gop through something that is akin to rehab cannot "celebrate responsibly".


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As usual, I can ALWAYS count on you (BZ) to be the "arse-hole of reason". It's simply who you are. I wouldn't work on your vehicle if a gun was pointed at my head. I am an EXCELLENT mechanic. I've never, EVER had a rework job to do in my life. (you have NO right to judge my don't know me...thank God) I was just "lazy" enough (in my youth) to be a road HP tech...that's all. (i.e. EASY big money...lotsa free time...and tax free perdiem) - Snake.  P.S. - Maybe you should try being a "talking head" in're MORE than qualified!


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Hey there everyone in 'da "nukie" biz, I have finished up with my first two weeks as a "new" auto/truck/machinery mechanic. My new boss is more than pleased with my raw (mechanical) skills, attention to detail/safety, and my (pleasantly) personable interactions (with customers and staff). I am now in my TRUE element. Awesome!! Nuclear power outage work, (with all it's "constantly changing" regulations, etc.) is now just a faded memory. My stress level has now been reduced by 50%!! Again, I want to thank everyone who were ALWAYS my friends, and the management-type personnel who ALWAYS had my back...and you know who you are! I will check in at nukeworker from time to drop me an email if you so desire. God speed to all of yinz. - Michael Terence Shaffer.  aka "Snake".

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Congrats - my kid brother has had a wonderful time in his career as a mechanic. Started in parts, got every ASE cert there is, now runs his own shop and builds engines for TA/FC on weekends. And his commute is 47 steps....

I hope you have as much fun as he does.

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Congratulation Mike.  If I had Larry Smith's phone number, I'd tell him to bring you his vehicles for inspection.   ;)  Wrenching is better than OTR, you know when you'll start, where you'll be, and when you'll get done.  Watch those knuckles.  [salute]
A REM is a REM is a REM
Yea, though I walk through the boundaries of containment, I shall fear no dose, for my meters are with me.  My counters, air sample filters, and smears, they comfort me.


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Thanks much for the supportive comments. (i.e. HouseDad and peteshonkwiler) I'm livin' the good life's a drop in pay, (slightly) but the "perks" are worth it. My dad, (Terence) says "hello" to you. (peteshonkwiler) He's enjoyin' his retirement. Anyhoo...keep on doin' the do! I'm keepin' my knuckles as injury free as possible! To HouseDad: Your little brother and I could talk "shop" anytime! Nothing is more exhilarating than NHRA style "wrenching"...Yeah baby! - Snake.

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Glad things are going good for you Snake.


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Hey there peoples, what's new out there in "nukieland 2.0"? The mechanic job didn't pan out as expected. I spoke too soon about my new boss (being a good man)...he actually turned out to be a MAJOR crook-and-a-half! (to put it lightly) He released me one week before the 90-day probationary period was to end. I could tell my side of the story, but it's useless to do so. At least I didn't I can collect unemployment. (some money is better than none, right?) I have drafted a letter that will be sent to the USNRC, and a select few (nuke staffing) upper management persons. I must try to find out why I was unable to reenter the biz...(i.e. Davis-Besse in 2011) and what I can do to get back in. (if necessary) What really infuriates me is that BNI's recruiters called me for work this fall!! That's a real slap-in-the-face...OUCH! Anyhoo, I'll keep doin' the do. Peace be with you. - Snake.

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Maybe you can pick up a position for next year's Intitial Stage of Decommisioning for the Kewaunee Power Plant?  When you talk to you Dad, tell him I said hi.
A REM is a REM is a REM
Yea, though I walk through the boundaries of containment, I shall fear no dose, for my meters are with me.  My counters, air sample filters, and smears, they comfort me.


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Thanks for the tip Pete...and I will pass on your salutations to my dad. Wow, that would be a real co-inky-dink. My very first outage was at it's "in planning" for a decommissioning. I will call a few house tech friends there for the low-down info. Catch ya later! - Snake.

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Let me start off by agreeing with you in advance: No I do not know you or any of the people you have spoke about in any of your posts. I also do not know the exact circumstances surrounding your situation.

However, from the outside looking in (which is the view all prospective employers have of you) it does appear that you are setting a trend with your employment history. For your sake, I hope you do something to improve your "employment image" soon.

By the way, bad mouthing past employers never goes over well no matter how big of  [poo] bag they are.

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I don't know you, but I can certainly empathise with your circumstance. While I haven't had a FFD question, I was once "let go" at Bessie on trumped up allegations that were proven by a federal investigation to be false.

One thing that I've not seen in any of the replies is that commercial nukes are not the only game in town.  There are many facets to this business with most (IMHO) being preferable to commercial nukes.

Look around, there's plenty out there.  Less stress, less arogance and attitude with comparable pay and benefits. Personally I have no desire to ever see the inside of a power plant again. Again, they're not the only game, in fact they're not even the preferred game.
Best of luck!
Irish diplomacy is the ability to tell a man to go to hell such that he looks forward to making the trip.

Inspite of inflation, a penny is still a fair price for most peoples thoughts.


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Okay, let me put this better focus...I did what was required of me to do. (as per 10CFR26 part 69) Now, I realize that each plant can be more "restrictive" about FFD than what is listed in the USNRC policies/guidelines. I cannot get any further info. on what was lacking in my attempt to correct the issue from 2006. I could get another SAP assessment completed, but I fear that the same result (i.e. Davis-Besse in 2011) will occur. Maybe I'm being too "black and white" about this issue. Where I come from, if there's a problem...there's usually a solution. This is the wall I'm hitting. I do appreciate all the help I'm getting through others at this site. To ksheed12: I don't see what I'm posting as "badmouthing". When a staffing company says that I'm "100% good to go"...then, once I get to the plant...suddenly I'm not. It makes me feel like a total fool. Wouldn't you agree? I just seek guidance to successfully correct the issue. Isn't that what a staffing company's security department is for? (to verify that the employee IS indeed employable) As far as setting an "employability trend" do have a valid point. I want it to stop...and I know how to achieve that goal, but getting the opportunity to prove it is turning out to be much harder than expected. To HousePuke: Thank you for understanding how quickly a [bad] "situation" can affect your livelihood. I'm happy to hear that the past issue (at D-B) resulted in you being acquitted of any wrongdoing. I have tried to get into some DOE/non-commercial jobs, but I'm still being told that I'm "not employable"...even though I (successfully) completed an SAP evaluation/assessment in August of 2011. I will keep on...keeping on. Karma to yinz both.  - Snake. :)

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To ksheed12: I don't see what I'm posting as "badmouthing".
This is what I was talking about.
I spoke too soon about my new boss (being a good man)...he actually turned out to be a MAJOR crook-and-a-half! (to put it lightly) He released me one week before the 90-day probationary period was to end. I could tell my side of the story, but it's useless to do so.
On a professional level the way he terminated you may have been wrong, but I would guess that he was well within his legal rights and he knew it. So he's a jerk, no one is contesting that. My advice was simply to not mention it when speaking about that job, not even on forums, because your future employer may very well be reading. Isn't that right Eric_Bartlett (heavy user since 10/6/03)?


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I don't know you, but I can certainly empathise with your circumstance. While I haven't had a FFD question, I was once "let go" at Bessie on trumped up allegations that were proven by a federal investigation to be false.

One thing that I've not seen in any of the replies is that commercial nukes are not the only game in town.  There are many facets to this business with most (IMHO) being preferable to commercial nukes.

Look around, there's plenty out there.  Less stress, less arogance and attitude with comparable pay and benefits. Personally I have no desire to ever see the inside of a power plant again. Again, they're not the only game, in fact they're not even the preferred game.
Best of luck!

There are plenty of other places to go where money can be made. I don't think you hear many people talking about the other places here simply because this site is mostly dedicated to 'nuke workers'


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To ksheed12: You need to read my posts again...the job I was referring to was non-nuclear. He IS a crook. (owner of the automotive repair shop) He's being sued by three customers, and the state is investigating his "business" ethics. Are you up-to-speed now?  btw: What the "H" does Eric Bartlett have to do with this? He's heard more than enough flak from people throughout the years... and he's a big boy. I don't think he loses any sleep over it. Am I right, Eric? - Snake.

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To ksheed12: You need to read my posts again...the job I was referring to was non-nuclear. He IS a crook. (owner of the automotive repair shop) He's being sued by three customers, and the state is investigating his "business" ethics. Are you up-to-speed now?  btw: What the "H" does Eric Bartlett have to do with this? He's heard more than enough flak from people throughout the years... and he's a big boy. I don't think he loses any sleep over it. Am I right, Eric? - Snake.

Thank goodness the Nuclear Industry doesn't review your nonnuclear work history. Good luck on your job search.


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Yeah...I hear you ksheed12, my frustrations fall upon deaf ears. This conversation is getting way off topic. Eric Bartlett is not the issue. He employs technicians that will be an asset to BNI and the industry as a whole. I may have screwed up in the past, but those days are over. (an have been for many years) The industry is always short on technicians to staff outages...especially in experienced senior RP's. I want to work, but for some reason I cannot. That's the topic of this thread...getting some answers. I could get SAP evals, treatment, testing, etc. "until the cows come home" and it will most likely be (again) worthless. Human performance "issues" (i.e. FFD, tech spec violations, etc.) will occur, regardless of how many "preventative" policies are put in to play. The key is to aid in getting these problems resolved. In my case, it's following the guidelines in 10CFR26 part 69. Which I did exactly as specified. In reality, it was not honored at D-B. That doesn't bother me too much...but what does, is finding out what to do next to satisfy the industry standard. I need to spend what money I have wisely. Graphic has given me some relevent guidance on the subject, but it only gets me so far. For instance: BNI security says to do what Davis-Besse security I have already done that. I have the proof in what then IS the real hold-up? If my being very blunt, and straightforward in my "questioning process" is the problem...then say so. I do not play the "touchy-feely" politically correct game. Unfortunately, a whole bunch of people do. I remember some advice I received from an "old school" technician in the late 1980's. He said, "If you're not willling to have people quote you, [or to put it in writing] you really haven't said anything worth saying." He was a great tech too. He's dead now. At least he was willing to stand up for accountability, help others to correct a situation, and then move forward. We need more people like him. If anyone has noticed, I post my own photo, private email address, and my full name. I do not hide behind an avatar, or make any of my profile settings hidden. I'm not afraid to show who I am, or what I've done...past or present. I take full responsibility for it. Isn't that part of the core values of obtaining UA? (honesty/integrity/credibility) Anyhoo, I will keep on "knocking on doors" until someone answers. - M. Shaffer "Snake".  ;D


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Thank goodness the Nuclear Industry doesn't review your nonnuclear work history. Good luck on your job search.

They don't? Sure they do. They verify any place you may have worked since your last access.


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Yeah...I hear you ksheed12, my frustrations fall upon deaf ears. This conversation is getting way off topic. Eric Bartlett is not the issue. He employs technicians that will be an asset to BNI and the industry as a whole. I may have screwed up in the past, but those days are over. (an have been for many years) The industry is always short on technicians to staff outages...especially in experienced senior RP's. I want to work, but for some reason I cannot. That's the topic of this thread...getting some answers. I could get SAP evals, treatment, testing, etc. "until the cows come home" and it will most likely be (again) worthless. Human performance "issues" (i.e. FFD, tech spec violations, etc.) will occur, regardless of how many "preventative" policies are put in to play. The key is to aid in getting these problems resolved. In my case, it's following the guidelines in 10CFR26 part 69. Which I did exactly as specified. In reality, it was not honored at D-B. That doesn't bother me too much...but what does, is finding out what to do next to satisfy the industry standard. I need to spend what money I have wisely. Graphic has given me some relevent guidance on the subject, but it only gets me so far. For instance: BNI security says to do what Davis-Besse security I have already done that. I have the proof in what then IS the real hold-up? If my being very blunt, and straightforward in my "questioning process" is the problem...then say so. I do not play the "touchy-feely" politically correct game. Unfortunately, a whole bunch of people do. I remember some advice I received from an "old school" technician in the late 1980's. He said, "If you're not willling to have people quote you, [or to put it in writing] you really haven't said anything worth saying." He was a great tech too. He's dead now. At least he was willing to stand up for accountability, help others to correct a situation, and then move forward. We need more people like him. If anyone has noticed, I post my own photo, private email address, and my full name. I do not hide behind an avatar, or make any of my profile settings hidden. I'm not afraid to show who I am, or what I've done...past or present. I take full responsibility for it. Isn't that part of the core values of obtaining UA? (honesty/integrity/credibility) Anyhoo, I will keep on "knocking on doors" until someone answers. - M. Shaffer "Snake".  ;D

As I told you before the doors you need to knock on are the ones who denied you. They are the only ones who will be able to tell you why you were denied access. Don't try to go through whatever company hired you, they don't know. You have to go through site security of whatever plant you were trying to gain access from. It's pretty simple, you said you were charged in 2006 and you tried to gain access in 2011. That's 5 years. Sure, it was a little over 5 years but in their eyes you obviously still didn't meet their requirements simply based on the letter from the substance abuse counselor. If you weren't officially 'denied access' then you wouldn't have ever received a letter in the mail. They only do that for people who were actually denied.

So if you want to gain access this is what you do. Fill out a PHQ from a nuclear plant you'd like to gain access (readily available on many plant websites). Then you fill out the phq and all relevant information regarding your previous history. From there, fax or mail it in and on the cover sheet you state that you want it to be reviewed to see if you are eligible to gain access. There is no need to try and go through a company that is working for the utility when you can go straight to the source.

Those are your only two options really -- Fill out a phq and get it reviewed, or call the plant that denied you(not a real denial as you say.. more of a 'no') and ask them why. It isn't that hard to get the information.

I don't mind helping but you are either leaving something out of the story or you aren't trying hard enough to get answers.

Good luck

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They don't? Sure they do. They verify any place you may have worked since your last access.

Sorry, I assumed everyone would see the sarcasm dripping from that post thereby eliminating the need to insert a  :->
Going forward, I will make sure to use the appropriate smileys.


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Sorry, I assumed everyone would see the sarcasm dripping from that post thereby eliminating the need to insert a  :->
Going forward, I will make sure to use the appropriate smileys.

lol. No problem I definitely missed it  :-X --- I never claimed to be smart  :D
« Last Edit: Oct 26, 2012, 04:03 by Graphic »


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I caught the oozing sarcasm...but it doesn't help with getting answers to the question(s). ::) Anyway, thanks much to Graphic...he IS being helpful. I have called Davis-Besse to get answers (in the past) no avail. I keep getting transferred to dead-end departments, etc. :( When I ask to speak with a security/access supervisor, I get (you guessed it) their voicemail. I will take Graphic's additional advice, and see how it goes. I have nothing left to lose...and everything to gain, right? BTW: If anyone [truly] knows who I need to speak with at D-B, please email me the appropriate contact info. :) To Graphic: I'm not leaving out any details. It's all been laid out (to you) as it happened...and I will press harder for an answer. Okay then, I think enough has been discussed, etc. for now. I'm where exactly? Time will tell. - Snake. 8)   

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There are plenty of other places to go where money can be made. I don't think you hear many people talking about the other places here simply because this site is mostly dedicated to 'nuke workers'

I was talking about nuke work, not outside of nuke. Power plants are only a part of the industry. There is lots of nuke work other than power plants and the same rules do not apply across the board.
The comments are too centered on power plants as though that's THE only game. It's far from it.  ;)
Irish diplomacy is the ability to tell a man to go to hell such that he looks forward to making the trip.

Inspite of inflation, a penny is still a fair price for most peoples thoughts.


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