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Unescorted access
« on: Oct 21, 2012, 03:37 »
This is more or less a rant so here goes.
I have worked in the nuclear industry for more than 30 years, I retired a while ago, and then worked as a contractor for a couple of outages. Can anyone explain what difference it can possible make if I have been away from a nuke site for more than a year by a couple of months, it seems that there needs to be twice the number of references required. I'm one of those people with few friends or acquaintances  so it gets to be a problem.

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Re: Unescorted access
« Reply #1 on: Oct 21, 2012, 06:14 »
A year seems to be a major trigger point for a few things.

You will need to take the MMPI again. and more references sounds about right.

It's the same when you come back from DOE jobs that lasted more than a year.

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Re: Unescorted access
« Reply #2 on: Oct 22, 2012, 06:17 »
This is more or less a rant so here goes.
I have worked in the nuclear industry for more than 30 years, I retired a while ago, and then worked as a contractor for a couple of outages. Can anyone explain what difference it can possible make if I have been away from a nuke site for more than a year by a couple of months, it seems that there needs to be twice the number of references required. I'm one of those people with few friends or acquaintances  so it gets to be a problem.

The difference is that if you go over a year without working at a nuke you will basically be an 'update'. So you will have to re-take the MMPI, Drug Test, pretty much all of your computer based training would be expired and like you said you will have to provide references. There is no way to get around having the references so if you don't know many people I would plan ahead. As far as references go it basically works like this.

You list 2-3 people. From those 2-3 people that you list, the background company calls and asks the people you listed for 2 more 'developed' references. In other words, they really don't care who you list they are only using them as a source to get 2 more people. They can't be related by blood or marriage and you must have had contact within the past 6 months by e-mail/phone/text etc etc. 

So, if you give John Doe.. call John Doe up and say hey I"m going to put you down as a reference, give John a few more names of people that know you and.. voila.. you are good to go. Pretty simple. I'm sure over the 30 years you worked in the industry you could find 2 people to be a reference for you.

Good luck


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