Yeah...I hear you ksheed12, my frustrations fall upon deaf ears. This conversation is getting way off topic. Eric Bartlett is not the issue. He employs technicians that will be an asset to BNI and the industry as a whole. I may have screwed up in the past, but those days are over. (an have been for many years) The industry is always short on technicians to staff outages...especially in experienced senior RP's. I want to work, but for some reason I cannot. That's the topic of this thread...getting some answers. I could get SAP evals, treatment, testing, etc. "until the cows come home" and it will most likely be (again) worthless. Human performance "issues" (i.e. FFD, tech spec violations, etc.) will occur, regardless of how many "preventative" policies are put in to play. The key is to aid in getting these problems resolved. In my case, it's following the guidelines in 10CFR26 part 69. Which I did exactly as specified. In reality, it was not honored at D-B. That doesn't bother me too much...but what does, is finding out what to do next to satisfy the industry standard. I need to spend what money I have wisely. Graphic has given me some relevent guidance on the subject, but it only gets me so far. For instance: BNI security says to do what Davis-Besse security I have already done that. I have the proof in what then IS the real hold-up? If my being very blunt, and straightforward in my "questioning process" is the problem...then say so. I do not play the "touchy-feely" politically correct game. Unfortunately, a whole bunch of people do. I remember some advice I received from an "old school" technician in the late 1980's. He said, "If you're not willling to have people quote you, [or to put it in writing] you really haven't said anything worth saying." He was a great tech too. He's dead now. At least he was willing to stand up for accountability, help others to correct a situation, and then move forward. We need more people like him. If anyone has noticed, I post my own photo, private email address, and my full name. I do not hide behind an avatar, or make any of my profile settings hidden. I'm not afraid to show who I am, or what I've done...past or present. I take full responsibility for it. Isn't that part of the core values of obtaining UA? (honesty/integrity/credibility) Anyhoo, I will keep on "knocking on doors" until someone answers. - M. Shaffer "Snake".