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Offline BechBum7467

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Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« on: Mar 19, 2012, 05:13 »
I'm 27 yr. old, waited 8 weeks for my badge (which in that time I was inside the protected area on a visitor's badge w/ computer access and already issued my TLD), and I was just denied unescorted access to a nuclear plant b/c of my 3 alcohol-related charges in the past 5 years. I have a public intoxication in 10/2006, 1st offense DUI in 08/2009, and another public intoxication in 04/2010. Is there a particular reason why I was denied access b/c I know of a lot of people that have far worse criminal backgrounds and have unescorted access. Any advice on my next steps? I am planning on appealing the decision and have a few "higher-ups" willing to help out and push it through for me but they still can't guarantee me access. Will any of this help or am I just wasting my time? Any comments, suggestions, or criticism will help.


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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #1 on: Mar 19, 2012, 05:28 »
Clean your act up and stop drinking.

Offline BechBum7467

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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #2 on: Mar 19, 2012, 05:44 »
Thanks for the words of wisdom!


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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #3 on: Mar 19, 2012, 09:28 »
By the way I did not say that to be a wise arse. You have a problem and I hope you learn to beat it before it beats you.

Offline Starkist

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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #4 on: Mar 20, 2012, 12:25 »
Why would it be a waste of time to pursue a career field ripe with potential and possibilities, and perhaps something you enjoy?

The very fact that you'd question your motives should answer your own question. If I were you, I'd be pushing as hard as I could.

That or take another route to better yourself, and get in that way.....


Offline BechBum7467

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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #5 on: Mar 20, 2012, 06:51 »
I have plenty of opportunities in other fields but my dad and uncle are both engineers in the nuke field and wanted to do the same but I just wanted to know if anybody else has had success in the appeals process and wanted to have an idea of my chances. I was denied access just yesterday so I'm still waiting for them to send me the paperwork so I can appeal the decision and just wanted to know that there is some hope for me in this field before I get the paperwork.


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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #6 on: Mar 20, 2012, 07:17 »
Complete a rehab program that provides documentation (just being evaluated is not the same thing).

Offline BechBum7467

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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #7 on: Mar 20, 2012, 07:39 »
They're not concerned about me being an alcoholic. They told me that b/c of the 3 alcohol related charges in the past 5 years (which one of those charges has been more than 5 years) shows them that I have no regard for the law which is not true at all. I was just going through some rough times and I made a few bad decisions but I've learned from those bad decisions and have been trying to move forward in my life (i.e. start my career, a family, etc.) I'm just hoping that w/ this appeal I can show them that I'm not the guy they see on a piece of paper...I'm a better person than that.

Offline RDTroja

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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #8 on: Mar 20, 2012, 08:15 »
First, no one can push security to do anything, no matter how high up they are. The company can't afford to be seen as anything less than absolutely flawless in that department.

Second, even though 5 years seems like a long time to you, it does not seem that long to them, particularly since the most recent isn't 2 years old yet. As far as they are concerned, you are still showing a pattern of breaking the law and you are doing it in a way that historically has shown to be a virtually unbreakable habit.

Third, the unfortunate fact is that you are the person that you appear to be on paper to anyone but you and your mother.

It is entirely possible that you could win an appeal, but it is more likely you won't. There just isn't enough reward for the risk they would be taking. If you were a 20 year nuclear veteran that had proven your worth to the industry and had a unique set of skills that were hard to replace, you would have a fighting chance. So far you have nothing to show that would make anyone think you were that valuable.

There is a lot of competition out there for good jobs, making it a buyers market for the employers. They can and will select the candidates that pose the least risk and offer the biggest reward. If you go to the Farmers market to buy some apples and finds stacks and stacks of them, are you going to look closely for bruised ones and pick the best looking or are you going to just pick without checking?

If you have your heart absolutely set on working in Nukes, by all means keep pushing. But first you have to follow the advice you have been given. Go to rehab even if you don't think you need it (nobody that needs it thinks they do at first.) Be squeaky clean.

Proving you are a good person is much harder than proving you are not. Good Luck.
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Offline cheme09

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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #9 on: Mar 20, 2012, 08:33 »
Adherence to regulations and procedures takes the top priority in the nuclear industry.  Two years ago when I was hired as an intern for the company I now work for full time, I was working at the corporate engineering office, not even the plant.  Even then, I had to explain why I had accumulated so many traffic tickets in the past 3 years.  Most of them were speeding.  None were DUI.  None were even reckless driving.  They were just concerened hiring someone into the nuclear industry with a disregard for regulations. 

You cannot say, "I don't dissregard the law" when your history clearly shows you willingly getting behind the wheel and operating a motor vehicle under the influence.  Also, you don't get a public intoxication offense just by standing outside and being drunk.  There has to be some type of offensive behavior to draw the attention of the police.  Whether or not you have a substance abuse issue is a different issue you may need to evaluate but the evidence you provided seems to point to one direction.  Attending a rehab program and providing documentation like IPREGEN suggested not only will take care of any underlying issures, but it is one way of showing the company you acknowledge you made bad decisions and are serious about making changes in your life and moving forward.

Take the advice given here, get your life on the right track, and stay on it.  Best of luck to you.


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Re: Was Denied Unescorted Access....Any Advice?
« Reply #10 on: Mar 24, 2012, 03:16 »
I would just give it a few years and try to apply again. Anything in the past 5 years drug/alcohol related is "for the most part" going to get you denied. If you only have one charge your chances are a little higher.. but the fact that you have 3 is basically a denial off the bat. The chances you have success appealing are pretty slim. Doesn't hurt to try all they will do is say yes/no again.

If you have changed then prove it by not getting in trouble for the next few years and try again. Time is of the essence in these situations.

« Last Edit: Mar 24, 2012, 03:25 by Graphic »


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