Facility & Company Information > Canada

OPG NOIT interview, waiting to hear back

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Not sure about my security clearance. Where would I find that out where I stand on that?


--- Quote from: Marcus67 on May 08, 2012, 03:20 ---Damn, well I was under the understanding that the start date for Darlington is in Sept. Does that mean its still hopeful that some time in the summer calls might go out for that start date? Did you get the job or did someone fill you in from the inside that calls went out? I write for the rad tech position on monday too so not all hope is lost for getting in. I hope they keep a short list of candidates for later on in the year to hire off of as they need operators!

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You wrote the testing for the Rad Tech position already? My heart is broken Lol. I applied on the very first day the posting came out for the Rad Tech position. I have been remaining hopeful, as the guys I know that already work there tell me it takes months to hear back after submitting an application. I'm pretty sad to see they have already called and done testing.

Marcus did u recieve my MSG about cOntacting hr? Its nearing the end of the month so we should be hearing back shortly so I'll keep you posted. Also just found out a few guys the work at the same company as me also had interviews and have not heard back for the sep start date . Is it for darlington? I read somthing the other day about pickering being one of the world worst nuclear plant in the world and darlington one of the best, also talked about cutting numbers and that there wages are to high

Hey oh ya i got your message sorry im on vacation right now. Oh that's good if I hear anything i'll let you know as well so we're not just sitting here waiting. I think this one is for Darlington yes. I know Pickering is an older plant than the Darlington plant and is being decomissioned by 2020 I believe. I haven't toured through either one though to tell you if its not as good as the other though. The wages and cutting is what I've heard as well.

I was contacted yesterday and invited to do testing on May 31st. I have already completed the operator testing and was told I passed but didn't get an interview. Is it the same test? Should I tell them I already did the test?


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