Facility & Company Information > Canada
OPG NOIT interview, waiting to hear back
Interview i think went great. Nothing else extra just that its a january start and i think if you work out good you have a chance at another outage late on in the year. Thats all I know. Good luck again.
--- Quote from: stew on Jun 21, 2012, 04:05 ---Yes for rad tech, July 4th.
How did the interview go? Did they give you any more information on when training would start etc?
--- End quote ---
I had my interview on June 26 and they told me I should know in 2 to 3 days but sounds like they are still interviewing.
Yeh I had heard someone had an int. on the 4th or some date like that. I heard back from them and basically was to get my nuclear security clearance in order and to wait for further instruction.
I knew already, but got the official "thanks but no thanks" email from HR for the NOIT, anyone hear anything?
Very funny. I got my email today as well. This was from last December and people were hired and started in April for these positions. I was told only 17 were hired last year.
I just started my 2nd year of the PET program at Durham. I'm hoping to get into the intern program or hired next year.
I've heard the Bruce is going to hire a ton of NOIT's next spring...not sure how accurate that is.
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