square biz, tru tale....
i got to work about an hour late when i wuz a junior of about 3 months.
willie, the lead man, looks at me 'n sez 'you'd better have a note from your mom for being this late!'
i sez 'i don't have a note from my mom, but i got this here note on the way in', 'n i give him a ticket that the state boys had presented me with.
he starts reading aloud, 'failure to stop for a stop sign, exceeding the speed limit, crossing the center line, expired vehicle inspection, expired drivers license, expired license plates. son, what'd this cost you?'
'oh, willie, yinz forgot to reed the first line, up at the top, in red ink. that explains it.'
'warning...... warning? you got a freaking warning for alla this? how'd you get a warning for alla these violations?'
sad to say boys 'n girls, but the rest of the story cannot be toll hare.