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What's Your best excuse for being late?

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I've used options 3 and 4 often, they are usually honest too.  My habits have since changed.

Once told my supervisor that I simply slept through my alarm and that's why I was late. His reply, apparently expecting some great adventure excuse was...."that's all?"
So I explained that I was really kidnapped by aliens and taken to their spaceship for 6 months but when they returned me to Earth it was only an hour later. "That's more like it", he said smiling and walked off.  :D

Ferret ate my alarm clock in the middle of the night. True story.

Melissa White:
How about the best excuse for not coming in...ever..

Something like: Hate you, mean it, I'm not coming in for the rest of my life...dfr.  Something like that. ;)

I didn't use this one, but it's a CLASSIC...
I have a problem with my's stuck to a bar stool! [smiley=beerchug.gif]


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