Here's the scenario: We were in EOPs or IPO. One of our guys had failed the most recent exam and had been struggling some in the simulator. He was one of four guys that had not attended mini-systems or had on-shift time with the AUOs like the rest of us (a different story). In start-up cert training one of the four failed an exam and was rolled back two classes so he could repeat systems and do his AUO time. Another guy was struggling academically and had some issues at home. They heard from OPs Mgmt that they were being rolled back to the class that was just starting systems. They both moved into the new classroom. A week or two goes by and lo and behold at the official TRB, plant management put the kibosh on the rollbacks and sent them back to our class. About this same time, three guys from the class ahead of us who had failed their NRC exam rolled into our class. Confused yet?
So one day the OPs Training Manager, our ILT lead instructor, and a senior SM assigned to training sat us all down and explained what had happened. During this brief, they basically told us that despite what had happened in the past, there was no guarantee of employment if you did not license. They also said, like I previously posted, that HR (pretty sure it was Corporate HR) challenged them to justify keeping guys when they hired us assuming a 70% success rate and our manning plan didn't have positions for these guys to fill.
Dropout #1 (no mini-systems): Assigned two classes behind us.
Dropout #2 (no mini-systems): Rolled back just before the audit to the class behind us.
Dropout #3 (poor grades/family issues): Removed from class, in PERgatory (works for OPs Support, no decision on his future)
Dropout #4 (pulled out just before Audit, previous SRO): Issued 90 day letter.
Dropout #5 (Rolled in from the class ahead us, failed our Audit hard, previously qualified RO on a BWR): Hired as a Work Week Manager at our plant.
Dropout #6 (in class the whole time): Rolled back to the class behind us.
Pending any more questions or challenges, end of brief.